Car has been sitting for a few months

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by DJHZEX, Oct 23, 2011.


    DJHZEX New Member

    Hey Zed hasn't been driven for a few months (roughly 6) except for the occasional start up (about once a week)....

    Was just wondering should I be looking at changing:

    Engine oil
    Transmission oil
    Diff oil

    Coolants looking a bit brown so I might do that regardless....Engine oil is at right level and relatively clear but I don't know if I should risk it after so long?

    Opinions would be a great help :) :zlove:
  2. gmbrezzo

    gmbrezzo Moderator

    6 months - not a problem. Seeing as you have "occasionally" started it.
    A couple of years would require fluid changes.

    Check over all hoses for cracks or splits.
    Check all levels including battery fluid, and power steer. take it for a short drive don't fang it and watch the temp.
    keep an ear on the motor, All should be good.
  3. ABZ300

    ABZ300 G

    I would change all fluids...better to be safe than sorry :)

  4. Mitch

    Mitch Has one gear: GO

    6 Months Idle? WITH regular (weekly) start-ups?

    Hardly warrants a full change of fluids IMO. Top-ups, maybe.. but dropping $130 on fluids when it has had regular use... I don't think so.

    The Z is tougher than you think.
  5. gmbrezzo

    gmbrezzo Moderator

    What oil goes stale over 6 months?
    Oh yeah, thats why we have a 3 month "Use by date" on the oil bottles :rofl:
    The recommended shelf life is 2-5 years.
    Oil does oxidise once the bottle is open, but not that bad to warrent replacing in 6 months.

    The thing I did forget to mention is the fuel.
    Yes the fuel can go stale and gummy, causing blocked injectors.
    Drain the fuel. Replace with 1/4 tank fresh 98oct, and change the fuel filter.
  6. MoulaZX

    MoulaZX #TEAMROB

    What this clown said... :):p

  7. Mitch

    Mitch Has one gear: GO

    Not to mention the BILLIONS OF YEARS it's been sitting in the earth's crust :rofl:
  8. MoulaZX

    MoulaZX #TEAMROB

    LOL! :thumbup:


    DJHZEX New Member

    Yeah I think for now Ill just do the coolant and to be safe the fuel filter...Other fluids later only asked this cos I know it's coming up to hot summer and will need to have everything running tip top to avoid issues.

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