Boot Spoiler Part 2

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Melkor, Jan 6, 2006.

  1. Melkor

    Melkor I want my Z back :(

    Hey all,

    My boot spoiler is starting to lift up, i still want a spoiler, but am looking for something a little bigger than the standard, but nothing the sits more than about 15cm about the boot, Any suggestions, experiences, for sales?


  2. IB

    IB ?????

    It's not easy to find slightly bigger spoilers ...>>

    Mine was secind hand, I found it hanging on the wall at Nissport. Didn't look anywhere near as good when it was red.
  3. zx299

    zx299 Well-Known Member

    That looks like a Trust rear spoiler IB.......

    I think they are still available in Japan but (as usual with name brands) tend to be a bit on the expensive side.

    Here's a pic of another one
  4. IB

    IB ?????

    Actually, I think it's a Bomex Type 1 ...>>

    Bomex Wings
  5. zx299

    zx299 Well-Known Member

    If it's fibreglass then it is a Bomex, Trust are injection moulded.

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