Books Not Recommended For Children

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by 2TurbosTwiceFun, Jul 19, 2006.

  1. 2TurbosTwiceFun

    2TurbosTwiceFun Temporary Aussie

    Not Recommended Books for Children
    26. Bob the Germ's Wonderous Journey Into and Back Out of Your Digestive System.
    25. The Little Engine that Could Becomes intoxicated and Kills Civillians.
    24. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer's Games of Revenge..
    23. Peter Rabbit's Frisky Adventures.
    22. Dick, Jane, and Spot Wander into The 'Hood'.
    21. Clifford the Big Red Dog Accidently Eats his Masters and is Put to Sleep.
    20. Valuable Protein and Other Nutritional Benefits of Things from your Nose.
    19. The Hardy Boys, the Barbie Twins, and the Vice Squad.
    18. The Tickling Babysitter
    17. A Pictoral History of Circus Geek Suicides.
    16. Charles Manson Bedtime Stories.
    15. Daddy Loses His Job and Finds the Bottle.
    14. Babar Meets the Taxedermist and Becomes a Piano.
    13. Controlling the playground: Respect through Fear.
    12. David Duke's World of Imagination.
    11. Curious George and the High-Voltage Fence.
    10. The Boy Who Died from Eating All His Vegetables.
    9. Legends of Scab Football.
    8. Teddy: the Elf with the Detached Retina.
    7. Tommy Tune: Boy Choreographer.
    6. Joe Garagiola Retells Favorite Fairy Tales But Can't Remember the Endings to All of them.
    5. Ed Beckley's Start a Real-Estate Empire with the change from your Mom's Purse.
    4. The Pop-up Book of Human Anatomy.
    3. Things Rich Kids Have, but you never will.
    2. Let's Draw Betty and Veronica without their clothes on.
    1. The Care Bears Maul Some Campers and are Shot Dead.
  2. QuickSilver

    QuickSilver Member

    hahaha good one

    pretty funnny need some pressie for cousins any where we can purchse these :D
  3. scump

    scump John Dorian

    pop up book of human anatomy... i believe the reporoductive part of that book is renowned for children losing their eyes, also not recconmended for ages 6 or below.

    nice list anyway:D

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