Bombs in London..:( Prayers for all....

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by JEDI-77, Jul 7, 2005.

  1. JEDI-77

    JEDI-77 Jedi Master

  2. MaxsZX

    MaxsZX Active Member

    Yeah im just chatting with my cousin in England....

    she is ok, a bit shaken up but ok.

    Max :thumbsup:
  3. MexiCandu

    MexiCandu Grumpy of the Grampians

    My 2 daughters live and work in London

    and use the tube to get to work. It was a very long long 3 hours last night until we managed to get a message from them that they were both ok. Phone lines were in melt down as you can imagine. Karen and I are so relieved this morning that our two are safe and our thoughts and compassion go out to those families and friends that have been affected by this outrage.

  4. zx299

    zx299 Well-Known Member

    We really do live in a screwed up world don't we ? :thumbsdown:
  5. Miksta

    Miksta M Spec

    I was in London about 1 year ago and..

    its really terrible that this has happened. The London underground is THE BEST public transport i've ever been on, fast and reliable. I can't imagine how the people will get home from work, i guess walking is the only way now...:(
  6. SIM300


    Amen :(
  7. Z-ster

    Z-ster Active Member

    Yep, they totally rely on the underground

    I was also there last year.

    One of my fiends who works there is being put up in a hotel by her work along with the rest of her work mates as there is no way for them to get home. It appears a lot of people made it to work prior to the incident.

    It's probably only a matter of time before these terrorist have Australia in their sights.
  8. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius

    :eek: If i'd have sold my Z. I WAS MEANT TO BE THERE.

    You may remember me trying to sell my Z not so long ago in a rush to move o/s for a while with some girl.

    If all had gone to plan, I was meant to arrive there 0800 7/7/2005.

    I could have been amongst those people scrambling around like a madman.

    Oh well, guess it's a good thing i couldn't sell my Z then huh.

    Guess that girl should have listened to me when i told her i had a bad feeling about the 3 7's.

    Let me explain quickly - 7/7 is easy part, but 2005 well basically 2+5 is 7 = the big 3 7's.

    My fav number 21 such an evil Number don't ya think.

    It's sad to see it all happening again.

  9. Noxter69

    Noxter69 New Member

    Honestly, what are these pricks trying to prove?!?! :angry:

    I'd wish they would have a careful think before they do these things. The chain of events now will be that the allied forces will source the perpetrators originating countries and start bombing them to smitherenes!!! Inevitably casualties will be some of their own cousins, but on a much larger scale. But then again we are speaking of fundamentalists, I guess this explains it all. :angry::angry::angry:
  10. SIM300


    9/11 has changed the way we live. It was always a matter of time before...

    another organised terrorist attack on western society.
    Unfortunately it will happen again, and there isn't much we can do about it :angry:
  11. DZM

    DZM New Member

    Unfortunately we will never know....mainly because

    the governments of the world (mainly the USA) are so corrupt and covert in thier actions(past and present)that they will always portray these acts as just Terrorism and themselves as freedom fighters, we the public then believe their well rehearsed responses and think the terrorist are doing this just for kicks or to satisfy a sadistic urge.
    I think its deeper than that. I am in no way condoning any of these barbaric acts, what i would like to know the TRUTH about is just WHAT they are protesting about and WHY. They are pissed about something profoundly wrong and no amount of our governments ignoring them with SPIN will fix the situation or put a stop to innocent lives being lost.
    I question why more is not being done to help stop this terrorism breeding with each generation rather than fighting them when it happens. People (terrorsit or others) dont dedicate millons of dollars and their lives on a whim or graffiti type mentality. I want to know what the USA has done and keeps doing to feed the terriost passion for killing and why they feel its the only option.
    Something is not right and we are not getting the truth buhind it
  12. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius

    I know i'm ignorant. Lets just NUKE America. That'll solve all our problems

    WOKBURNER Bringer of fun and mayhem

    Once again as in any war, the innocents suffer, F*&^^en Senseless!

    :angry::thumbsdown::angry::thumbsdown: I hope the perpetrators get caught and their nuts slowly squashed in a vice!
  14. Noxter69

    Noxter69 New Member

    Sound suggestion Fate but...

    Unfortunately no company has made a large enough Microwave Oven to fit the entire US of A in yet. :p:):LOL:
  15. chewy

    chewy Active Member

    stop all passenger airflights might help. Pull all troops out from Iraq

    and let the buggers fight amongst themselves over there. This world can't support the number of human beings we have currently anyway so I suggest anyone who commits a crime is desexed. Also I'd like to see that if you want to have a baby you must pass a competency test those that fail also get desexed to stop the propagation of half wits in this world.
  16. SIM300



    That's a little extreme! Big brother (govenment) already controls our lives too much!
    Not a bad idea though ;)
  17. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius

    Meh, the yanks are stupid enough to Nuke themselves.!!!
  18. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius

    *Puts hand up to be a part of the Desexing process* Picks up rusty nail!
  19. chewy

    chewy Active Member

    maybe introduce tax breaks for those who are desexed :)
  20. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius

    Someone order a Nutcracker????




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