bodykit / respray / from HELL !!!!

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by BADZX, Dec 5, 2011.

  1. BADZX

    BADZX Grumpy old fart

  2. bRACKET

    bRACKET Do Right Dean

    Only went though the first page, horrible work.

    Would go postal if someone did that to my zed...


    seen this before but still wtfffffffffffffffffffffff such shit workman ship
  4. gmbrezzo

    gmbrezzo Moderator

    Good lesson for anyone getting body work done.
    Do your homework first to see the workmanship, before leaving the car.
    Cheap can sometimes be really cheap crap finish.
    The value of that car was just halved :(
  5. Romonski

    Romonski And Justice For All

    yes another repost

    BIGRED 90 z32 TT geko

    Even if I tried to purposely screw up a car that bad It would be impossible to.

    TWIN TERROR Well-Known Member

    Bloody hell. That car has been butchered big time. What kind of idiot would even think of installing a body kit like that , let alone actually doing it ?. Was the installer smoking a meth pipe while installing it. Got to say he appears very carm about it. The bloke that installed it should get the electric chair.
  8. badxtc

    badxtc kirby's bitch

    this is a massive WOW for me , thats plucked bad
  9. Shifter

    Shifter Active Member

  10. Fists

    Fists Well-Known Member

    Wow, that kit is fitted more messely than my front bar, and my front bar has been rammed into a gutter (not by me, bar was replaced but brackets, wheel guards and body are bent)
  11. misszen

    misszen Red ones go faster!

    "Doesn't deserve death threats" - are you kidding??

    I really like the custom pattern with the screws - did he have to pay extra for that?

    I suggest he stop sniffing more paint than he's spraying in future?

    A picasso Z is not a work of art - [TIS]
  12. Shifter

    Shifter Active Member

    The more I look at it

    The more I dont mind it

    Okay so its not 'perfect'.

    But look at how much care went into it also. See all the screws?? Obviously he is a true perfectionist wanting to make sure it wouldn't fall off on him. See the piece of wood? Genius. See how he went though the trouble to raise the door a bit to get it to fit better so the guy can open/close his door without a hassle?

    The installer clearly put a lot of time into this and all for $750. He obviously didn't charge for the oversprayed bits of paint also. Another thing the owner got for free.

    Some people........ :rolleyes:

  13. Jamie

    Jamie Jamie The Hobbit


    TWIN TERROR Well-Known Member

    I can see your a glass half full kind of guy :D.
    It's just the 10 previous glasses you drank before you got to this half full glass that worries me :rofl:
  15. Shifter

    Shifter Active Member

    likes this

  16. R31 Gagz

    R31 Gagz Harden the F#%K up!!

    Hey Kingy,

    This would be the 20th time or something its been posted :p, but still absolutely shocking to see the pics again...I can't believe the owner of that panel shop wasn't murdered in his sleep :eek:

    Just shows that it pays to research and ask around about any shop before just handing over your pride and joy for them to work on.


  17. BADZX

    BADZX Grumpy old fart

    Re-post .....
    I havent seen it before and obviously a few others are in the same boat...

    Its all good :cool:

    Here's another one.....

    Here's the build .....

    this is one of the forsale adds they placed on a few R/T forums
    (NB: you need to register to see the forsale section),45761.0.html

    And this is what the new owner found after the car was delivered :eek:
    (NB: Dont need to register to view this)

    whole new meaning for dodge ie work
  18. BADZX

    BADZX Grumpy old fart

    Here's another one.......

    Can anyone explain WTF is with the file ????


    okay.... so the file bit is done .... so whats with the center-punch marks ???


    89 pages of the build up ....... LOTS of even WORSE workmanship pics

  19. R31 Gagz

    R31 Gagz Harden the F#%K up!!

    I remember seeing the filing thread, cant remember exactly what it was supposed to do but was some kind of "performance" mod...I thought straight away "so car builders spend how much money and R&D designing these engines and you think 30 minutes with a file is going to make it go better?" LOL :rolleyes:


  20. tassuperkart

    tassuperkart Its a lie I tell you!

    Engines employing larger squish areas always have issues with emissions. Those hand filed channels are there to attempt to ignite the fuel/air mix in the squish areas which otherwise goes not completely burnt or burnt later on in the bang phase to be much use.
    There is meant to be some small increase in power by allowing the flame front to travel and propogate into what otherwise becomes a dead area.

    The theory is... well.. sound but how much of an improvement, if any is debateble in this example.

    Those "punch" marks are from memory, the remains, after machining out, of erosion of the head face from....... I dunno........... snake oil...... Phosphoric acid.. cats piss!

    Ive said it before, but after everything, that engine made surprisingly good engine numbers


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