Begins Here

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by BrEnNo1023, Sep 1, 2011.

  1. BrEnNo1023

    BrEnNo1023 New Member

    Alrighty then, first let me start by introducing myself and my new car.

    Hello to you all, I come in peace to learn about all that is Z -- or at the very least, just the stuff i need to learn for now. My name is Brenden (you can also call me Brenno or B or whatev) and I've just been stumbled upon and snatched up by a troublesome Fairlady I've come to affectionately know as Sooty.

    She's a work in progress, and we're basically at the beginning of a long road to recovery (or spiral down into financial hell depending on how the dice roll), fixing up the previous owner's undisclosed problems and then some. I hope I can get some inspiration and insight from the folks here who are in the know, and also chat with those who may be in the same boat and new to this experience as well.

    So yah, looking forward to contributing to this community soon, peace out folks! ;)
  2. xHoRoKx

    xHoRoKx Member

    Hey, nice to meet you! I'd welcome you, however I am also new and don't know what sort of funhouse I might be welcoming you to ;P
  3. Painter

    Painter Spray Painter

    Ive been here just over a couple of months and already going grey haha it's good fun but the guys here are more than helpful and the knowledge is unbelievable

    Welcome :)
  4. ryzan

    ryzan Moderator Staff Member

  5. BrEnNo1023

    BrEnNo1023 New Member

    Pics, pics,
    *looks at signature* :confused:
  6. Mitch

    Mitch Has one gear: GO

    Hi whatevs,
    I think your caps lock button is broken.
  7. 300ZXC


    Welcome to the addiction!
  8. gargoyle

    gargoyle New Member

    Welcome to the home of the zed addicts "B". They're full blown here I can tell you that!:D

    As with all addictions it's all down hill for you now. Walked/stumbled the road your entering and your in for a lot of pain, made up for with a shit load of happiness.
  9. ryzan

    ryzan Moderator Staff Member

    A tiny little sigpic barely counts as a picture, but if that's the best your zed has I'm not going to judge. :p
  10. Romonski

    Romonski And Justice For All


    ure such a mutt
  11. BrEnNo1023

    BrEnNo1023 New Member

    Cheers for all the warm welcomes guys!

    Oh no, it's got a lot more than that! I just had no idea how to resize the picture into the format everybody seems to have for their sigpic and keep its original proportions. Might have to do some cropping? hopefully it doesn't turn out a squished stretched mess :S

    I've got a vehicle page set up with a bunch of pics in my 'garage' section but the listing hasn't seemed to have uploaded into the database yet.. keeps asking me to 'add my vehicle to the garage', although i already have..

    EDIT: Ah, there we go. now i need to fix the pic dimensions somehow

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