Arashi eat your heart out! This is the best transformation yet!

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Evil Twin, Jun 21, 2011.

  1. Arashi

    Arashi Member

    Ran into these today, what the z transformed from
  2. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    shame ... i had hoped that the Vancouver Ice Hockey riots might have dealt with our resident ARSERASH .... no such luck, it seems ....
  3. whoppersandwich

    whoppersandwich Le Canon De Douche

    Arashi is a timeless curse, nothing can stop him:br:
  4. Evil Twin

    Evil Twin Time to 'Suit Up'!

    Arashi is alright, I like his ambition. I just don't share his taste.
  5. whoppersandwich

    whoppersandwich Le Canon De Douche

    Same here, tbh while his designs are odd at best - he is one of the best trolls I have ever come across and he sure does make threads entertaining to say the least. Here's to you my moustached Canadian friend!:eek:
  6. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon

    i wish i could NEG you for this post
  7. Evil Twin

    Evil Twin Time to 'Suit Up'!

    Here here! :)
  8. Anti

    Anti 14.7 x 14.7 = 44.1

  9. MikeZ32

    MikeZ32 das Über member

  10. Roadeater

    Roadeater Warrior of the Wasteland

    Hi Arashi! Nice of you to stop by. :thumbup:

    As per usual the subject matter of this thread is divided by those for and those against. I masochistically like his trolls while aprreciating the somewhat uselss tidbits of info he supplies regarding anything Z. He can bash his designs up his a$$ though.

    Bye Arashi! :br:

    Footnote: I did not do the Beetlegeuse thing!
  11. Arashi

    Arashi Member

  12. parker

    parker Been around for a bit

    No offence

    I have done things to porcelain that are far prettier than that after a big night on the sauce.

    I can appreciate the workmanship as it does take skill and a smart person to complete things like that. And I am not saying I could go near creating my own car. However IMO those machines are just so ugly.
  13. Evil Twin

    Evil Twin Time to 'Suit Up'!

    Thats a bit harsh :rolleyes:
  14. gargoyle

    gargoyle New Member

    This site needs a bit of action at times and he's the guy for the job!
  15. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    lol... he has had 18 months for action ... and has produced nothing .. and never will ... and never intended to ......

    as always, he leads you guys down the garden path, pissing himself laughing ....
  16. Arashi

    Arashi Member

    I may as well let members know what Im up to.
    My current Zed was in the process to look like Zagatos newly released car for Aston Martin..

    ^ That above is what the car looks like right now, sanding and making everything perfect on both sides was going to be difficult so I took many, many months making a CNC machine (which worked but needs repairs currently), this can carve just the kit parts out perfectly in foam using a 3D design which I had to transfer the design to.

    Printing machine
    3D Model

    New Zagato

    The picture you see at the bottom is the final design which is ready to be made. It was inspired from some of my prototypes and earlier Photoshop renders.


    What the car will look like

    Other notable ZX conversions
  17. Roadeater

    Roadeater Warrior of the Wasteland

    I absolutely cannot say 'keep up the good work', because you're trying to turn an already perfect vehicle into a sideshow laughing clown.

    However I do applaude the way you stick to your guns and have duck feathers, so that any volatile spittle being sprayed on you from your anti-fanclub rolls right off your back. Even though you shame that Z, you're following your dream and I respect that Arashi.

    Peace out.
  18. Arashi

    Arashi Member

    I hear the Ferrari Enzo doesnt photograph well, so I think some people will like my re-design once its finished and able to be seen in person.
  19. MikeZ32

    MikeZ32 das Über member

  20. whoppersandwich

    whoppersandwich Le Canon De Douche

    This is your fault...:p

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