ANOTHER air filter question

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Mayhem, Jul 16, 2005.

  1. Mayhem

    Mayhem New Member

    I have a NA Z32 and want a filter for it but dont know what size i need. I checked the other threads but none of them make any reference to the SIZE of filter needed. K&N sell an fat stubby one and a smaller thin one with a shorter base (dont know the exact sizes) does anyone know which fits best and where i can get the best price?
  2. erichns

    erichns S15

    Use the short stubby one

    I have Manual NA and uses the stubby K&N one, looks fat and cute, but it works. And there's not enough room under the nose panel if it's long unless you angle it.
  3. OZ-300

    OZ-300 Godfather

    Try a Unifilter from UAS or TTZ - Reasonably priced and bolts

    straight on. I've had one for over 18 months. Plus it gives increased power and motor revs to red line with ease.


  4. Mayhem

    Mayhem New Member

    Sounds good

    Hey thanks for the advice, i thought the stubby one would get in the way with the thick shaft it has near where it would connect to the air flow meter. Looks like thats the one then though, much appreciated :thumbsup:
  5. erichns

    erichns S15

    K&N part no is RC-2960 :thumbsup:

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