Aircon and Sparks!?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Axearmor, Feb 24, 2007.

  1. Axearmor

    Axearmor Member


    Today I decided to have a look at the fuses in my engine bay, because one of my headlights wasn't working. (that problem is now fixed, btw :) )

    I also noticed that the aircon fuse was missing, so I chucked a new one in and thought "You Beauty, I'm gonna have working aircon!"

    So I go and turn the aircon on, and there is this horrible grinding noise from within the engine bay, so I go and have a look, and between the Fan on the radiator and the front of the engine with all the belts, I see sparks..

    Turned the aircon off and removed the fuse.. I wonder if that was why there was no fuse there in the first place..

    Anybody know what could be causing this and whether it is fixable without taking the engine out and ******* around?
  2. lysergic

    lysergic PWRTRIP

    your compressor clutch is probably partially siezed and when you turn it on you get the problem you described sounds like you need to take it out if you want it to work.

    you dont need to take the engine out to get the compressor out
  3. dazmelb

    dazmelb New Member

    Yep.. Compressor is F#$%'d. Need to replace it, try hunting

    down a second hand 1 from wreckers i will also need to get it regassed. I believe u can also use ones from skylines.
  4. Axearmor

    Axearmor Member

    Is it possible just to replace the compressor clutch, or am I going to have to replace the entire compressor and then get it regassed?

    lol - if anyone in perth has a Z32 (or Skyline?) aircon compressor they don't want, think of poor old me with no aircon in summer.. :(

  5. BigCol

    BigCol That's what she said...

    BTW, was it the headlight fuse?
  6. zed4life (

    zed4life ( Ω vicarious zedder Ω

    Not really. Replace entire compressor

    is easier.

  7. Axearmor

    Axearmor Member

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was.. I'm modding my H3 globes at the moment so Ill find out soon enough..

    EDIT -The corresponding fuse was rooted, yes :D


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