Air filter cleaning?

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by j0no, Jan 4, 2008.

  1. j0no

    j0no Accepting Donations.

    Hey, just wanted to quickly find out if its possible to clean the standard air filters? and how. usually i would just replace them, but im having trouble finding the right parts, and as soon as i find a twin pod adapter im going to be installing that in place of the twin filter boxes, so i really want something to fix my current problem, which is black caked on tar looking stuff covering my filters, making my car chew gas like a cheap whore chews..... gum?

    plz help! thanks :)
  2. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    dude... just put a pod filter on..

    a super cheap one would probably be better then what you have atm
  3. j0no

    j0no Accepting Donations.

    oh really?

    Will it fit straight onto the Airflow meter? (cheers for quick reply btw)
  4. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    Grab an APEXi one off Fleet (Pete) from AMEC, only about $100 and dead easy to put on. Will bolt straight up
  5. j0no

    j0no Accepting Donations.


    where can i find him?
  6. j0no

    j0no Accepting Donations.


    AHh the search tool :D thanks again chrispy _b
  7. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    Pm Fleet his name...

    yes it fits up.. your hard pushed to find some one on here with a stock airbox
  8. j0no

    j0no Accepting Donations.

    good good

    Ahh sounds great. I pulled my nosecone off the other day and found some original looking nissan japan air filters in it... scarey
  9. Western Z

    Western Z special member

    i still have stock and prefer it that way , i dont like pods , after using them on my motorcycle i will not use them on a car .

  10. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    wtf?!??!!? lol why? whats your reason
  11. Western Z

    Western Z special member

    i found the pods on the bike dont filter nearly as well as the standard filter thereby reducing the lifespan of the engine.

  12. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    perhaps it wasnt big enough... and last i checked most pods have like twice the surface area that stock boxes have...

    and in anycase unless you buy a brand new air box, your opting for a 18 year old air filter rather then a brand new one... isnt that going to diminish the life of your engine so much more?
  13. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    you can buy new panel filters as well josh....

    and theres also the option of k'n panel filters,which should filter almost as well as a pod....
    that being said pod filter all the way for me....:cool:
  14. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    you are ssooooooo uninvited to australia day now for not supporting me!

    stills ay af will not do your engine more damage then an 18 year old air box
  15. Western Z

    Western Z special member

    hopefully no one has an element in thier airbox that is not changed reguarly at services , i see it as the best but i understand everyone has their own ideas on this .


    FLEMING Dave

    True with the bike as all my bikes use wet filters, but its a tad different with cars due to needing alot more air as the pistons in ur bikes are like size of ur thumbs lol (depending on engine size of course)

    honestly i dont know the whole science between panel filters vs pod filters. but i've always noticed a difference using pod filters on cars... as to me it seems a little less restrictive on air flow...
  17. Western Z

    Western Z special member

    yes id agree that pods can make a performace increase which is why i added them to the motorcyle ( 1000cc) that also likes lots of air. However in my opinion the small possible power increase is outwieghted by the possiable damage to engine.

    Last edited: Jan 4, 2008
  18. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    A rubbish panel filter will be just as bad as a rubbish pod. The Apexi's have a good track record and are prefferable to oiled K&N filters.

    Chuck the standard airbox and associated hoses and save about 5kg's of weight :p
  19. Western Z

    Western Z special member

    it is the K&N pods i have used beofore , i am not familiar with the Apexi , can you please tell me the difference ?

  20. j0no

    j0no Accepting Donations.


    Just got an apexi one from pete @ amec. took a little while to remove the old filter box... but new one went in very nice. Removed that shitty flat spot in my acceleration, looks good and goes pretty hard :) love that induction noise.

    Cheers for advice chrispy

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