Advice on what car to buy

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Momentum80, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. dedzed

    dedzed Member

    vader is just reducing his collection
    i just took the oportunity to test the market as thinking of buying a 350z.
    rangsy ...i dont know this member.
  2. Chilledpain

    Chilledpain Z Reaper

    This is very true. I have never had such an attachment to a car before. I browse gumtree and just want to buy them all... :eek:

    If you want a 300zx, no-one is going to stop you.

    If i were you, I would be looking for a NA to begin with. Nothing about handling the power etc but purely reliability. I know others have mentioned the only difference is a couple of turbos, but theres more to it than that. Generally speaking, the turbo cars have had a harder life and probably less maintenance due to the cramped engine bay and lazy mechanics. Also, most NA engines I have come across seem to have exceptional compression for a 20 yr old car. That cant be said for most of the TT's out there.

    And...when u get sick of the NA, you can always transfer all your bolt on goodies (ie: rims, interior, suspension) to your new TT. :)
  3. Momentum80

    Momentum80 New Member

    This is true,

    But at the same time if I get an NA then I probably won't be looking for a TT for several years, afterwhich time i'm not sure if I will be looking for a z or not.
  4. ryzan

    ryzan Moderator Staff Member

    What's the problem then? After those few years you'll know if the Z is the right car for you to keep sinking your heart and soul (and wallet) into. :zlove:

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