About to buy 300. clutch/gears question

Discussion in 'Technical' started by d.p_300zx, Aug 27, 2008.

  1. d.p_300zx

    d.p_300zx OVA 9000


    I went to look at a 2 seater tt man 300zx recently and i test drove it.. it had

    short shift kit
    nismo twin plate clutch
    lighten and balanced flywheel

    That doesnt mean that much to me.. But when driving, the gears were reasonably hard to get in...
    now it wasnt just me becasue the owner didnt have trouble with it, but he had to push them in quite firmly.

    is this becasue of the short shift kit or a more sinister problem?

    also.. the clutch engages almost as soon as you let it out (as in you let it out 70ml and it will engage) wich resulted in me pulling up and a T intersection and letting it out a fraction while in 1st and stalling it.

    anyway some help would be good on the gears.. and wether the clutch engaging so quickly means that its a new clutch or its on its way out?
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2008


    its just the modds mate box is fine

    A sports clutch liek a puck cluth will pick up straigt away and a short throw shift kit can take some getting used to also he probably had brss bushes or something in the shifter linkage that would make it tight.

    I just put a short shifter in other day and got a new clutch but I do get what you mean about the tight shifts after years the stock bushings wear out and the very 1st thing I did on the Z was shifter bushings man that made a difference in feel.

    Good luck wih the Z hunting.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2008
  3. d.p_300zx

    d.p_300zx OVA 9000

    Thanks man, I was thinking along those lines but im not that tech minded.



    No probz never hurts to ask

    I never was back in the day looking for a Z I didnt know how to flush a coolant system and for xample like todai Im pulling gear boxes and engines out.

    Just keep reading on here soooo mcuh info :D:D

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