2pac Primer info needed

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by notap, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. notap

    notap New Member

    I'm doing the leg work for the panel beaters, going to rub it back and prime coat it but its been 7 years since i've done a prime coat mix.

    all metal panels cept for the front and rear bumper which are fibre glass, so for anyone with more recent experience could you recommend the primer I should be using for the job? it's going to be 2pac paintjob.

    some info on ppg primers : http://www.ppglic.com.au/primers-single-pack.aspx?c=2&sc=3
  2. SuperZ

    SuperZ Resident Z lunatic

    Commonly you use a HB Two pack primer and mix the correct amount depending on the build-up you want

    The only one I could see in the list that is suitable is


    You need to check with these guys though that the mix can be variable and not set at a specific rate so you can thin it out as needed - but commonly you can - HB is just the term meaning it can be used for HB as well as normal priming

    normally the mix should be 2:1 and ten to twenty percent thinners depending on buildup required - but you need to confirm this with the instructions - 20% is quite thin so treat accordingly - suggest using 15% to start with and go from there (subject to manufacturers instructions)

  3. SuperZ

    SuperZ Resident Z lunatic

    I was using HB yesterday and found 10% thinners to be pretty good - so I suggest changing the 15% to 10% and going from there. 15% is ok if you only want to coat a perfect finish - but be aware that perfect finishes don't look so perfect when you have primed them - if the prime is good on the surface once applied - the resultant coats will look great if your consistent

    If you want to build up - then go 5% but 10% is a good medium that provides a good coat and the opportunity to fine sand down with some build in between coats so that it doesn't disappear quickly when your smoothing out the texture (2/3 coats is optimal) -

    600gr - 1200gr is a good sanding point for HB that provides a smooth finish - increase on your top coats up to 2000+gr for ultra smooth finish.

    Regardless - it always pays to talk to your supplier - wealth of information they have - I always learn something new when talking to them

    Don't forget the Hardener is extremely toxic - you need AB and P filters as a minimum and full clothing - if you can smell fumes - its not working - stop!

  4. notap

    notap New Member

    Hey Superz,

    Cheers for the detailed information, I have a respirator with the correct filters, paint suite a gloves all the PPE required, though after looking at my "car port" getting it relatively dust free will be a massive challenge in itself.

    I'm going to Prep all the panels, fill all the chips\holes and then get a quote for them to do an outer body spray, Ill do the interior already started the engine bay with matte black heat resistant acrylic. I don't have a hoist to remove engine so I'm gutting it 1 side at a time prepping > spray > reconnecting parts after.
  5. notap

    notap New Member

    by prep, I just mean rub back ready for prime coat^^
  6. SuperZ

    SuperZ Resident Z lunatic

    Just to correct myself - A1 / P3 and pre filter - but sounds in hand

    It can help if you can lightly wet/mist the area down after a basic vacuum- this prevents dust from lifting but avoid water near the job itself - two pack doesn't go well when it hits a drop of water


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