AUS ZedFest 2012, 6th-8th April

Discussion in 'Coming Events' started by 90TTZ, Feb 5, 2011.

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  1. davewatson

    davewatson Member

    Sorry to pop your bubbles guys - there is nothing at all close to the mac inn.. you'll be a minimum of driving distance away! :(
  2. Stef

    Stef Active Member

    Forest Lodge seems to be the closes - 1.1km according too Google maps

  3. MagicMike

    MagicMike Moderator Staff Member

    Forget about where u are sleeping, concentrate on where u are DRINKING!!!

    RENZED Girl in the black beast

    I don't wanna be sleeping too far away..otherwise I'm going to be walking very far back post drinking :p...could be an issue lol
  5. gmbrezzo

    gmbrezzo Moderator

    Forest lodge, Nice place, nice and CLOSE to Dept Housing estate.
    At least we'll know where to find your cars. Don't do it.
    Nothing wrong with our non-reflective citizens.
    They just like to upgrade from BMX to 300ZX

    Karl has this under control. Don't panic yet as there is still plenty of time.
    He's away at work at the moment and will get back to you with more info.
  6. 90TTZ

    90TTZ Back From The Dead

    Alternate venue has not been selected yet for a very good reason. As you all have seen, there have been people pulling out for various reasons and the overflow of guests have taken their spots at the Mac Inn. If you book alternate accommodation now and a spot becomes available at party central I'm sure you would be dissapointed.

    I'm looking around January/February to release details of an alternate venue but if anyone wants to book in elsewhere you can do so at any time :)
  7. unv300zx

    unv300zx Project Z32

    Is it to late to try get a spot for myself and my partner... never done the zedfest and now i have my car going maybe it is time for this event
  8. 90TTZ

    90TTZ Back From The Dead

    Never too late :zlove:

    Macquarie Inn
    27 Rooms to go! - LadyZ & oohogwash
    26 Rooms to go! - 90TTZ
    25 Rooms to go! - gmbrezzo + wife
    24 Rooms to go! - The Two Bears
    23 Rooms to go! - Zoe NZX300 +1
    22 Rooms to go! - red32
    21 Rooms to go! - The Magics
    20 Rooms to go! - MyFirst300 + Tonto
    19 Rooms to go! - KEZA and Diana
    18 Rooms to go! - Lil' Baz and Leah
    17 Rooms to go! - DinoZ and Sandy
    16 Rooms to go! - Zedmd
    15 Rooms to go! - DoubleZX
    14 Rooms to go! - Robbo
    13 Rooms to go! - Zedboy
    12 Rooms to go! - BeastZX + 1
    11 Rooms to go! - Anti
    10 Rooms to go! - nick300zxtt
    09 Rooms to go! - Alan Norton and Sue
    08 Rooms to go! - Adamness + Hanna
    07 Rooms to go! - ZEDXTT
    06 Rooms to go! - Brytech & Megzed
    05 Rooms to go! - ProckyZ89
    04 Rooms to go! - Haylz, Benny, Nasty_Girl
    03 Rooms to go! - Stef and Sue
    02 Rooms to go! - Hyper101
    01 Rooms to go! - JEDI-77, Judith and little Anabel
    00 Rooms gone - NVZ32


    Alternate Venues:
    1. Blackheart + 1 (Not contactable first time round)
    2. Zedman
    3. BoneZX
    4. sexzx
    5. Laser Hazard
    6. RENZED & R31Gagz
    7. DeMoNiKZ +1 (Steve & Letitia)
    8. unv300zx
  9. Jamie

    Jamie Jamie The Hobbit

    Out of curiousity, how many Red/Green P platers will be attending? I'm considering tagging along but at a max 90kph, I couldn't imagine too many people would be sticking around. I used whereis to give a rough estimate of a 6hr drive, but being that i'm on P plates with a max of 90 i'm assuming it'll be a bit longer.

    Really don't want to be cruising up there by myself! :rofl:
  10. zedboy

    zedboy Active Member

    Where abouts in NSWare you? From Sydney up through the mountains through to Orange and Bathurst is mainly 60/80/90 and a few 100km/h zones. After that it's mainly 100 not too many stretches of 110.

  11. ABZ300

    ABZ300 G

    Ill be up for this...but cant guarantee till i get some accomodation whenever available would love to be there :)

  12. Jamie

    Jamie Jamie The Hobbit

    I'm on the central coast mate :)
  13. xHoRoKx

    xHoRoKx Member

    Hey guys. I'm keen for this, sign me up :)

    Do P platers from Vic have to abide by NSW speed restrictions? I'm on greenies.

    Looking forward to an epic cruise!
  14. shineyzx

    shineyzx Member

    yes, i'm quite sure you have to (100kmph speed limit)
  15. ABZ300

    ABZ300 G

    Ill put my name on the list for the alternate location with plus 1 :) im also on green P's so doing 100km/hr is basically a freeway ride so not a big problem lol would love to do the 110km/hr like on country roads but if only doing 100 is all thats allowed then thats what ill do to enjoy a great time at the end of the journey :)

    Macquarie Inn
    27 Rooms to go! - LadyZ & oohogwash
    26 Rooms to go! - 90TTZ
    25 Rooms to go! - gmbrezzo + wife
    24 Rooms to go! - The Two Bears
    23 Rooms to go! - Zoe NZX300 +1
    22 Rooms to go! - red32
    21 Rooms to go! - The Magics
    20 Rooms to go! - MyFirst300 + Tonto
    19 Rooms to go! - KEZA and Diana
    18 Rooms to go! - Lil' Baz and Leah
    17 Rooms to go! - DinoZ and Sandy
    16 Rooms to go! - Zedmd
    15 Rooms to go! - DoubleZX
    14 Rooms to go! - Robbo
    13 Rooms to go! - Zedboy
    12 Rooms to go! - BeastZX + 1
    11 Rooms to go! - Anti
    10 Rooms to go! - nick300zxtt
    09 Rooms to go! - Alan Norton and Sue
    08 Rooms to go! - Adamness + Hanna
    07 Rooms to go! - ZEDXTT
    06 Rooms to go! - Brytech & Megzed
    05 Rooms to go! - ProckyZ89
    04 Rooms to go! - Haylz, Benny, Nasty_Girl
    03 Rooms to go! - Stef and Sue
    02 Rooms to go! - Hyper101
    01 Rooms to go! - JEDI-77, Judith and little Anabel
    00 Rooms gone - NVZ32


    Alternate Venues:
    1. Blackheart + 1 (Not contactable first time round)
    2. Zedman
    3. BoneZX
    4. sexzx
    5. Laser Hazard
    6. RENZED & R31Gagz
    7. DeMoNiKZ +1 (Steve & Letitia)
    8. unv300zx
    9. ABZ300 + 1
    10. xHoRoKx

  16. SRB-2NV


    Will probably be there, will sort out something closer to the date. Whats with everyone not wanting to get caught speeding, if your speed drops to under ~120 you're not making good time :p
  17. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    going to be huge by the looks of things, i think i speak for quite a few people in WA when i say "wish i could be there"
  18. Adamness

    Adamness Active Member

    Well I am driving from Townsville with a couple others ;)

  19. MagicMike

    MagicMike Moderator Staff Member

    Yeah harden up wa'ers :p
  20. ryzan

    ryzan Moderator Staff Member

    Say what? Do you have any written proof that this is the case for all interstate P platers?
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