Twin Z rear bumper diffuser

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by 8300zx9, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    A very long-winded attempt to legitimise the lack of action by Moderators(in my humble opinion).
    The fact that it also is in direct conflict with the advice, all too frequently given by Moderators(that such discussions should be taken to PM's rather than aired on the open forum)seems to have been ignored yet again.
    Pot calling the kettle black?
  2. Jamie

    Jamie Jamie The Hobbit

    Lloyd, why can't you just be the bigger person and ignore him?
  3. rob260

    rob260 Administrator Staff Member

    Have to second this Lloyd.... You're never going to "win" an argument with Black Baz as his point of view is grounded in fanaticism.

    I'll say it again; IGNORE LIST.

    If there is a member that contributes nothing but background noise to your forum experience dump them on the list and go about your business as normal. They can still post whatever crap they like but I can guarantee if you can't see it then it doesn't bother you.
  4. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    I've tried that on numerous occasions. It has never resulted in an end to the insults and goading(which have become more personal and intense in recent months).
    Requests(by me)for intervention by the Moderators has brought us to this juncture.
    When a jovial jibe to ABZ300 is interpreted as some sort of an attack or breach of Forum etiquette, one is left wondering just what category some of the recent crap directed at me(and my former work-colleagues)falls in to?
  5. Jamie

    Jamie Jamie The Hobbit

    Lloyd, what about the ignore/block function that the forum offers? Surely that'd suffice?
  6. gmbrezzo

    gmbrezzo Moderator

    This is one of 50,000 odd threads so don't think (in my humble opinion) its going to bring down the whole forum.
    You are refering to pots and kettles, yet you still air "dirty laundry" in the public forum and do not adhere to taking it to PM.
    I have dibs on the kettle here.

    I am not going to hide behind PMs and go down the path of "he said, she said".
    For a very long time this sniping has been going on.

    You called the mods to take action, so the reply was listed to show action is being taken by mods, and the reasoning with it.

    Long winded - sure I had to go back over the whole thread several times to extract the information you required.

    No need to "legitimise" anything and there has been quite a lot of action behind the scenes that you are not sanctioned to see.

    I/We mods do not make public the actions we take in infringing/baning people.
    You may "see" this as "lack of action" as you don't get the information forwarded on to you, nor should you.
    There probably will be an exception here.

    You have not clearly answered the questions posed, and side stepped the issue.
    Please answer the questions posed with clear precise answers.

    Jamie- step aside, no collateral damage
  7. Jamie

    Jamie Jamie The Hobbit

    Nothing personal here towards Lloyd at all, just trying to see why the function available isn't being used.

    As requested though, I'll let you sort it out.
  8. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    My responses as requested.:br:

  9. Jamie

    Jamie Jamie The Hobbit

    Here we go again.... Take it to PM?
  10. Magic Z

    Magic Z New Member

    Twin Z must be laughing there head off at this thread.... Free advertising for them.. Keep it up! On topic that is....
  11. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    For the benefit of your enlightenment(and that of any other self-confessed genius)I have been ordered to respond to these questions ONLINE, on this thread. I assume that was done to extract the maximum agro from other forum users.
    If you have any issues with this, take it up with Moderator gmbrezzo(the same goes for you Mike). :mad:

    Moderator gmbrezzo.
    How many more times am I expected to be the recipient of forum outrage, because I accede to your requests to post specific items on here?
    This is the second time in a few weeks that I have been cast as the villain, by following your requested action.:mad:
    From my current perspective, your short term as a Moderator has not been hugely welcomed from this end of the keyboard(a real pity, because you're a decent bloke in my estimation).:(:zlove:
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2012
  12. frysie

    frysie FRYTECH

    It's not that hard.....

  13. gmbrezzo

    gmbrezzo Moderator

    Jamie - as I requested before, stay out of it.
  14. kiff

    kiff Member

    Well my twin z type 2 bar arived today! And all I can say very nice workmanship and quality And Thank to twinz for such a nice product ! And a thank you to John !!!! for the way it was shipped in a big thick box got here with out a scratch on it :) so of to the body shop with it and the vents!!!!! on monday!!!!!
  15. gmbrezzo

    gmbrezzo Moderator

    I thank you for putting yourself in our shoes, even if only for a short time.
    By addressing the "long winded" post you can see our quandry.

    This has all been kept here so that yourself and fellow member can see what would normally go on behind the scenes.

    I/we moderator have job to attend to and we do that to the best of our ability, we are not perfect.
    We delete posts and lock threads which get out of hand, only to sometimes leave the thread topic unresolved.

    You and others now appreciate our position by the statement:
    I can't solve your problems regarding Moderation(but I respectfully suggest, that taking some form of control over the instigator of a potential dispute, would be the appropriate form of action).
    We can only react where a clear crossing of the guidelines has happened. We cannot react on snyde, sarcastic comments.

    So before you (and I mean everyone) react by jumping up and down on the keyboard, Sit on your hands and think how your comments may be taken.
    Not everyone shares the same sense of humor.

    The whole episode started with: Black baz's comment
    "a case of bad judgement ??? .. or birds of a feather, perhaps .... lol de lol."
    And due to over-reaction on both parties, and then calling the Mods nonvigilant resulted in this action.

    Both Black baz and Chili will be issued a short break via a short period ban, to reflect on their actions.
    The line had been crossed by "Argumentative and/or abusive" and "Insulted Other Member(s)"
    My hands are tied and I have to issue the above penalty.

    This is the end of it, but rest assured, if I or other mods have to attend to further problems then the penalties will be harsher.

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