Spark plugs

Discussion in 'Technical' started by scottZ, Jan 22, 2006.

  1. zed4life (

    zed4life ( Ω vicarious zedder Ω

    Don't forget, your odometer could be inaccurate!!!
  2. Zanjara

    Zanjara Free Candy!

    nah i dont run BOV's at all

    my car is pretty much stock apart from a pod which i need to replace and the 40mm radiator from TTZED.

    Yeah i am looking at getting one of them Apexi S-AFC2 and see how i go they seem to be the go as of late.

    I know i got a leak somewhere in my system as i got a boost leak test done today. Pete thinks its coming from the vac hoses from the wastegate soleniod on the pessanger side one... but yeah hmm i spend something like $60 a week to fill the tank up which i find is pretty good for me...

  3. beaver

    beaver southern zeds

    Your Zed looks very nice Scott!
  4. zed4life (

    zed4life ( Ω vicarious zedder Ω

    "coming from the vac hoses from the wastegate soleniod on the pass"

    That is truly one bitch of a hose to get to. I did one the other day and had to remove the turbo outlet hard pipe to get to it... not a pleasant task with the plenum on...
  5. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    Measuring FUEL CONSUMPTION >>>

    Dunno how you can calculate any sort of meaningful fuel consumption figures by the 'half tank'....? Are you referring to when the needle is on half or when you've filled up with just 36 litres?

    The correct method is by taking odometer reading with a full to the brim tank, running until near empty & refilling, noting litres req'd to refill compared against klm's travelled since last fill.

    WYKKED <b><font color=red>2 Much Trouble</font></b>

    Aint that the truth Mark........>>

    Unfortunately it was late on a very hot day that we found the leak so no chance of fixing it then.
  7. Zanjara

    Zanjara Free Candy!

    yeah WYKKED told me about it hehe

    So yeah i think when i do a plenum pull will change them vac hose at the same time will do both sides i guess.. or if i find some time will do it over a weekend see if i can do it with the plenum on...

    but yeah nah didnt expect you to try and fix it yesturday peter no way in hell so bloody hot... plus i didnt get there till after midday so yeah...

    but yeah thanks for the boost leak etc peter was good to know its really only that leak i was thinking i had heaps lol.

    kzed: each week i fill up and look to see how many much i put in and work out what i am getting around town.. on the highway is another thing filled up the night before i went away then filled up at sale down gippsland way and yeah worked it out to be around 10L/100kms but yeah it goes thru fuel around town like no tomorrow. Well i fill up once a week so yeah


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