Shift at Will Cruize

Discussion in 'Post Event Discussion' started by OZ-300, Nov 20, 2005.

  1. STR33T

    STR33T Goony googoo


    i'll burn some copies on cd for those who are interested...At 5 bucks each... let me know. The whole pres goes for about 8 mins.

    XTREME ZX ZED Xtremist

    Bad Luck

    Hey Lili,

    I was hoping that wasn't you. I thought that they could only get you driving in the same direction, but these southerners have it all twisted. I couldn't have been far off you know.. i was right behind you in when it happened... I remember dropping from 5th to 3rd just to slow down....

    merry Xmas to you and Mars also from myself and Anna..
  3. STR33T

    STR33T Goony googoo

    Cheers champ!
  4. Fairlady3

    Fairlady3 New Member


    a bummer...:thumbsdown:

    Oh well keeps someone employed I guess.

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