Series 2000 tail lights with/without centre panel GB

Discussion in 'Group Buys' started by ZX2NV, Jan 8, 2007.

  1. ZX2NV

    ZX2NV Z Racing Evolution

    Yep all done the order was placed coz order number 8585, just waiting on parts confirmation (some RH side ones were placed on backorder apparently) then its all go for delivery, they are coming by air so would think maybe 2 weeks and we should have them depends on how long the backorder process takes just waiting on an ETA from coz.

    Further info will be posted when known


  2. XCRUZXx

    XCRUZXx The Flying Scotsman

    Good stuff thanks Jason
  3. ZX2NV

    ZX2NV Z Racing Evolution


    I recieved a reply from coz today the RH lights have been on backorder now for a little over three weeks (from when I sent full deposits) and are expected shortly however he has never had them on backorder so doesnt know 100% when they will arrive. He will let me know as as he knows anything and I will update this thread.

    Also GB run 2 seems to have lost momentum anyone who wants in post up your interest (in new thread) we need 10 buyers to make it worthwhile for bulk shipping and so far only have a few takers I have opened another thread for run two to avoid confusion


  4. Joe

    Joe Capriciously Crude

    I wonder if any of you have seen any cars around with hybrid tail lights.. :p
  5. CurnZ

    CurnZ zero rwkw

    I dont get it? :confused:
  6. apollo

    apollo New Member

    Grr damn back orders......

  7. apollo

    apollo New Member

    Where we at with this ??
  8. ZX2NV

    ZX2NV Z Racing Evolution

    Hey all

    Still on back order with Nissan apparently

    Coz has the centres and LH lights just waiting on the RH ones. They are causing some hassles at the moment.

    I recieve email updates from Coz every few days and will post them here when recieved.

    Thanks again for being patient. What is it with me and GB's lately must be jinxed or something.
  9. ZX2NV

    ZX2NV Z Racing Evolution


    Still waiting on the back order shipment to Coz at this stage and I am losing patience fast. Will give it another week and then maybe look at a full refund for everyone as this is another GB that is turning into a nightmare. These things are supposed to be quick and easy but this one is far from it. So if the consensus is can it lets do it if its stick it out lets do that too.

    Let me know how you all want to proceed.
  10. carzone

    carzone in the corner crying!

    Well J its all payed for...i mean we stuck it out this long surely we can wait more. There is no point for u to scrap this gb and then re-do it later...what a waste of effort....with me? Anyways i say im prepared to wait for whatever long..its not an urgent thing in my case, its only an upgrade on taillights, which i already have...meh!



  11. Joe

    Joe Capriciously Crude

    I can wait for the same reasons that carzone can.
  12. XCRUZXx

    XCRUZXx The Flying Scotsman

    Came this far what's a few weeks no problem Jason
  13. ZX2NV

    ZX2NV Z Racing Evolution

    I am working on an alternate option at the moment which may be feasible and will hopefully be able to confirm either way this afternoon.

    So keep an eye on this post.

    And once again thanks for being troopers and being understanding regarding these delays its appreciated

  14. carzone

    carzone in the corner crying!

    your thinking of courtesy now arnt u J:p ?

  15. ZX2NV

    ZX2NV Z Racing Evolution

    No actually. I spoke with Jenny from TTZ today. They are importing a bunch of stuff and among the consignment is a bunch of series 2000 taillight sets and the price is spot on the same. However once they fill the order and place it it will be at least 6 - 8 weeks as the order is coming in via sea freight from Japan.

    I got a reply email from Coz today and he cannot tell us how long as its his supplier (most likely Nissan Japan) who seems to be the likely hold up. Could be 2 days or 2 weeks or even longer there is just no indication available.

    If we all decide to wait a little while longer I can buy a case of beer with the bank interest money and send everyone a few bottles:D :D

    I am still willing to wait at this stage and give it a while longer and seems to be the concensus so far.


  16. bion1c

    bion1c Z Slave

    yeah i can wait.. it is a "nice to have" upgrade not something keeping my car off the road..

    so yeah give it a bit longer
  17. apollo

    apollo New Member

    I wait a lil longer... (I just need a eta in a week please.)


  18. ZX2NV

    ZX2NV Z Racing Evolution

    Still no go at the moment guys and girls. Coz has still recieved no indication as to how long from the supplier. I say we give it to the end of the month and if still nothing we cancel the order due to delivery delays and seek alternate arrangements like resourcing or get a full refund etc

    Not a happy GB camper
  19. Mike80

    Mike80 New Member

    Im happy with that and would prefer the lights than a refund. TTZ may be the way to go but a couple of weeks more can't hurt, this still may be the quickest way
  20. Joe

    Joe Capriciously Crude

    I agree completely.

    Jason, you should get an overall consensus from people who've paid for the set on what the plan of action might be if COZ does a terrible job of this GB.

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