NSW Nelson Bay Cruise

Discussion in 'Post Event Discussion' started by Wizard, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. Wizard

    Wizard Kerb side Prophet

    Start the ball rolling, good weather, great people, nice lunch, police escort,
    great day, about a 9hour round trip.
    good to see Crisis again, it's been to long.
    great to see ZX299 ian make the trip down from Port Macquarie and meet up.
    Mid week cruises could have a future, a lot less traffic to contend with.:biggrin:

    Couple of pics,


  2. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    Yes Sir,

    A great day out, with some quality people.:zlove: This is what cruising is all about.:biggrin:
    We also had the company of about 50 motorcycle Police and quite a few Highway Patrol cars(marked and unmarked).:eek:
    Strangely, none of the miserable bastards seemed the least bit interested in harassing us(what were we doing wrong, and why were we ignored)?:p
  3. Stef

    Stef Active Member

    Yes, It was a great day.

    Good to meet some zedders again in a relaxing drive to a wonderful location.

    Some more pics




  4. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    clearly the police masses did not have their ....

    "MOST WANTED LIST" with them ....... lol...!!!! .. difficult to understand how the above two "prime suspects" escaped the net ... :eek::eek::bash::bash:
  5. ports

    ports the pro

    Great day, great people, great cars, great location, great drive, great food, great beer,
    great service, great views, great beach volleyball, great scott soooo many cops.
    ........................awesome can't wait till the next outing:cool:

    WYKKED <b><font color=red>2 Much Trouble</font></b>

    I think the following picture might explain why the Police left you alone. You don't exactly look like a "Pack of young hooligans".:biggrin::biggrin:

  7. OZ-300

    OZ-300 Godfather


    it's obvious the walking frames have been photoshopped out (particularly Ron's and Wayne's ... you can even see where the handles were LOL: ) Lloyd, I hadn't realised you were a walking frame, I'm sure Geoff appreciates it though. :D:D:D

    (I'm getting personal because I'm pissed off I couldn't make it - hope you understand.)

    Glad you had a really great time

    Lyn you look great, hope all is back to normal :):):)



    Last edited: Aug 22, 2008

    ADEMON Member

    Another great day

    Nothing beats a great day out with great people, I knew about this cruise however was unable to attend. Nelsons bay one of my favourite places.

    It's good to once again see sydney Z's out and about.

    The weather is warming and spring around the corner and targas tops open.

    Keep on Zeding
  9. Swifty Devil

    Swifty Devil Member

    just face it man when your old your not dangerous and cool anymore lol

  10. Oni

    Oni Active Member

    Yep t'was tops

    Here's a little vid.

    Oh dear I have been pinged for breach of Copyright on this one for the music, so there may be ads attached to it :mad:
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2008
  11. Wizard

    Wizard Kerb side Prophet

    With the collective age

    There, there's more forgotten cool than you will ever know:p
    As for dangerous, they are all out on day release, the warden is taking the pic.:eek:
  12. Wizard

    Wizard Kerb side Prophet

    Nice Vid Dude

    Damm paparazzi, there everywhere.:p

  13. ports

    ports the pro

    Who the hell is Colin????:p
  14. ports

    ports the pro

    Ask a dumb question (just read todays paper).......:p
  15. mrkarter77

    mrkarter77 No Really, They do!!!

  16. zx299

    zx299 Well-Known Member

    An enjoyable day......

    The solo cruise south was worth the effort. Good to catch up with some of the "old crew" and always nice to meet a couple of unknown faces.

    Oni really is becoming the Francis Ford Coppola of the forum these days, nice video and great music selection.

    We, at Whoop Whoop Central, have always known the advantages of mid week cruises and it looks as if some of the members from the "big smoke" might be now realising some of the benefits.

    Good work Oni, great location, fine weather, food and company and I enjoyed the little short cut to the photo location (are you using Stevens street directory :eek:).

    Next time you organise a run, don't pick the day that every Harley in Sydney is heading north. :rolleyes: I didn't know police cars came in so many different colours.
  17. angrybear

    angrybear Moderator

    A great day out...

    midweek is good (none of those disruptive young 'uns :D) , but no police escort was really required. Perhaps we should tell them not to bother next time.:D Nelson Bay is a fabulous spot, especially mid week in the off season. I wonder what it looks like at peak time?

    That buggy for sale on the roadside that I stopped to look at turned out to be another Zed - er sort of. Space frame cage with a rear mounted 240Z engine and a transaxle from something or other. I can't see much of a market for an off road beast like that, so it is probably still there if there are any sportsmen out there looking to cash in on their life insurance. Not quite what I had in mind for gently getting up and down the steep hill on the farm that leads down to my favourite fishing spot. I was thinking more in terms of 250cc or so.

    Thanks for the intiiative Oni, great idea, and thanks to Ian for making the long commute.
  18. mikemd

    mikemd New Member

    I, for one, resent the use of the term "pack".... after all, there were ladies present!! Perhaps "dignified group" (of young hooligans)... would be more appropriate!! And, with the most unorthodox, unfinished, and un-original Zed present, who'dya think was s.xxgx..ing himself every time one of those differently-painted (but obvious!!) police ve-hic-les, or Men-in-Black-on-Bikes went past...??? T'was THE highlight of the day for yours truly when they just kept right on past us... fortunately, Oni had just climbed back inside his driver-side window and withdrawn his extended camera-arm before the first of them drove past!! Really was interesting to have made myself invisible and watch EACH and EVERY police representative turn his head to scrutinize our parade as they went by...
  19. mikemd

    mikemd New Member

    Forgot to mention... and, if there WERE any young hooligans driving Zeds (???), I hope they have as much enjoyment as our intrepid group on their cruises!! :)
    Only issue we experienced was that the 'Everywhere' Girl, Caz, was unable to attend...!! Funny how everything to do with Zeds always seems that little bit poorer when Caz is not around... rest of you "young hooligans" notice that...??:):)
  20. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    No, not at all!
    I thought my presence more than compensated for Caz's absence.:p:p:rolleyes::zlove:

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