Fuel Efficiency

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Heugs, Aug 3, 2005.


    ZEDKID New Member

    to all those who only get 300-350km per tank on a TT

    try what i did. throttle body cleaned and pod filter cleaned. i filled up with $20 of ultimate which means about 15L of actual fuel. anyway out of that 15litres i got 140kms. so if we do simple math 15*4 = 60litres roughly full tank. 140*4 = 480km. now i doubt ill get 480kms but ill fill up full tank next week and see what i get if i get above 400 ill be laughing.
  2. Shnorque

    Shnorque New Member

    Well i get about 480kays before i fill up, that is like 60L - i left it longer once and the car started running shite. I assume it was sucking all the crap out of the bottom of the tank.

    My car is daily driven tho, and i have just recently started taking an alternate route to work and reckon i should now be getting 500+kays out of my 60L. I find that the zed doesnt like going up hills (well it uses a heap more fuel) but on the flat or down hill it is great. The other thing is that all this is with 95RON fuel as i cant get 98RON in tas.
  3. -Neshy-

    -Neshy- New Member

    Sucking crap from the bottom...

    Sorry if I'm being ignorant here but I have heard mixed stories about this...

    If u let the fuel go down too low does it really take crap from the bottom?
  4. scottZ

    scottZ Manwhore

    If there is crap in the boom of your tank then I would have thought so

    maybe i'm wrong
  5. zx299

    zx299 Well-Known Member

    Theoretically, you shouldn't suck rubbish from the bottom of the tank.....

    because the pump can't run your tank dry (there will always be a litre or two in the bottom of the tank) but I suppose it depends on how much junk has accumulated in your tank over the years.
  6. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    In my experience ... NO CRAP >>>

    >>> will be found in the tank of a regularly driven Zed.

    It's a 20 min job to r&r the pump & examine contents... use a torch, NOT a BIC lighter :wacko:
  7. zed4life (zedcare.com)

    zed4life (zedcare.com) Ω vicarious zedder Ω

    There is a filter 'sock' on the fuel pump inlet inside the tank

    so most crap is eliminated but some eventually makes its way to the fuel filter which is the next 'bottleneck'. Good practice is to replace fuel filter at least annually Service manual says 24 months but it pays to be 'pedantic'!
  8. Shnorque

    Shnorque New Member

    Re: Sucking crap from the bottom...

    well i suppose it depends on how you normally drive ur car, if you always let the tank go right to the bottom before filling then you will prolly never have a problem. i wouldnt have believed using the last few litres would cause any problems until i had it happen to me. i was just driving into work, was going to fill the tank after i finished, then the car started to run really bad (it was stutering and missing, i thought i had lost a piston). i cant think of any other reason why it wouldve happened, it was the first time i had run the tank so close to empty and after i filled up it went away?
  9. scottZ

    scottZ Manwhore

    I wanna replace my fuel filter...

    which is the best replacement? You know me Mark if there is one with a little bling I'm keen.
  10. zx299

    zx299 Well-Known Member

    Use the BIC, you won't need to worry about crap in the tank anymore:wacko:
  11. chewy

    chewy Active Member

    when I took my fuel pump out recently the pre-filter had a hole in it

    making it useless as a pre-filter. The pre-filter on a 2+2 pretty much sits on the bottom of the tank (inside a plastic cup type thing) so whether you are running with a full tank or near empty you'll pickup the same amout of shit in the bottom of the tank (unless you are talking about floaters on the fuel). It takes about an hour to drop the fuel tank, drain it, clean it and put back in.
  12. chewy

    chewy Active Member

    aeromotive make the nicest fuel filter in my opinion.

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