Ams inc. Suspension featured in pas mag!

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Vuk@AMS, Aug 2, 2012.

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  1. Vuk@AMS

    Vuk@AMS New Member

    I have posted an article published in a major magazine pertaining to our suspension products nothing more nothing less? Several prints over the years in various publications should you ask further. You can interpret it any way you like but we did not print this magazine nor write the story ;) Just passing it along for fellow Z enthusiasts to read and enjoy some 'Eye Candy' in the process you seemed to miss?

  2. jschrauwen

    jschrauwen My Fairlady Z

    You mean a competing suspension vendor. Of course there's going to be a vested interest in a competitor to try to tarnish another vendor who's taken a big chunk out of their sales.
    Innovator? To my understanding his facility doesn't make the parts in house. For the most part, I believe everything he sells is just re-branded parts from Asia like KTS coilovers. Don't know why you feel his products are going to be any better. Maybe because you were close friends when you lived there. I can understand that.
    Come to think of it, there's never been a store front pic of any description of this vendor. Very odd indeed.

    How about my first hand experience of actually using the components on the street and track. From long distance week long excursions to inner-city bumper-to bumper traffic and everything in between. In sub-freezing temperatures to extreme heat of the southern US. And to this day, they're all working just fine. None have broken, or rusted or have damaged any other supporting component in the process.
    I'd say that this "real" first hand experience trumps your skewed experience hands down.

    Extremely odd to see someone so compelled on such a topic about the Z32 when he's been trying to sell his own Z for nealy a year.

  3. What track did you drive, and when?
  4. jschrauwen

    jschrauwen My Fairlady Z

    Shannonvile Motorsport Park. It's not that far from me.
    Perhaps if you make your way near this area, you should try it sometime, when or if you ever get your car on the road again. They have some great Pay per Lap and Lap tuning sessions scheduled fairly often throughout the year.
    I guess I should have also mentioned the numerous times I've tackled the Tail of The Dragon. That in itself is about the same as a good round at a race track at times.
  5. gmbrezzo

    gmbrezzo Moderator

    Very fair call Eric. Well said.
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