should i put sealant to thermostat?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by canario, Aug 1, 2009.

  1. canario

    canario New Member

    hey guys i need i bit of help here and see if i can finish my zed this weekend, i just putin in the thermostate, ive got this sealring which i can pt on the edge of the thermostat but it doesnt really convince me but may be im wrong, so the question is should i put that ring or sould i put just some normal sealant on the inside of it?

    thanks guys

    ZYTRAM Formerly known as martini_Z

    Get some RTV sealant in it instead
  3. canario

    canario New Member

    thanks mate

    ZYTRAM Formerly known as martini_Z

    No worries :thumbup: RTV is what most people use and should seal better but to be honest either should be okay. Stick with the tried and tested though i say!
  5. Tektrader

    Tektrader Z32 Hoe, service me baby

    You dont put sealant on the thermostat, only on the cast pipe/cover.

    The thermo isnt supposed to be sealed up. It already has a small bypass pip at the top.


    What about behind the thermostat on the alloy casting ?
  7. Gazza

    Gazza Active Member

    If you take a look at page 11 in the "Engine lubrication and cooling system" chapter of the online manual, it shows sealant is applied to the face of the thermostat housing and the water inlet hard pipe, nothing on the thermostat itself.
  8. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    Hmm, I've always put a thin bead on the thermostat... It appears that a bead is put on in the factory. Maybe it just gets squished through from the other side.
  9. DonoRyan

    DonoRyan Rick James

    That's right, the manual does say to use a sealant.

    However, when I got my car back from the local Nissan dealer they didn't use any sealant when they replaced the thermo.

  10. Tektrader

    Tektrader Z32 Hoe, service me baby

    Nah, all that is is extra that has squished out from the casting edge as its tightened up and stuck on the thermostat.

    It dosnt have to be water tight. In fact it has a bleed hole on the top to let water through while the car heats up
  11. Tektrader

    Tektrader Z32 Hoe, service me baby

    There is no point. It does nothing except if it lets go sends a bit of silicon through the cooling systemn to get stuck in the radiator.

    Most people put way too much silicon on joints they make. It ends up in the radiator.
  12. canario

    canario New Member

    anyway i just put a bit on it coz i wasnt sure, now i ve got the probleme of the belts , ive been trying with the alternator finishing not suceesfully, i have to read a bit more,
    the probleme is not puting the belt in the place the prob is when i have to put the blady long las bolt on the adjustment bracket, can some one tell me what is the proceed of putting that belt?

    by the way my engine bay is getting to look what i call roghly cool hehehe i ll post some pics tonmorrow if i finish it, simon sold me some intake pipes which r awsome im looking after install them,

    Thanks guys

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