4 seater items for sale

Discussion in 'Car Parts for Sale or Wanted' started by Ash84, May 10, 2009.

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  1. Ash84

    Ash84 Noob on the move

    Hi guys

    Have the following stuff for sale due to my recent misfortune .





    targas shades - $80 pair

    targa covers - $80 pair

    cargo retractable cover - $150

    illuminated rear panel - $50

    lighter - free

    All items in perfect nick and are ready to be picked up from Glen Huntly.

    For all the humanitarian souls out there , the proceeds go to :

    BUY ASH A NEW Z Foundation :D
  2. Brytech

    Brytech Coyote

    what about the incar dvd player / screen
  3. Ash84

    Ash84 Noob on the move

    its yours mate as soon as i am able to locate the gps antenna.:)
    Seem to have lost it somewhere....the dealer i bought it through also dosnt have any with him.
  4. Wildstyle

    Wildstyle Junior Burger!

    Do you still have the Targa bags and are they genuine?
  5. Ash84

    Ash84 Noob on the move

    yes on both counts.....:)
  6. zena

    zena New Member



    Very sorry to see your poor Zed, is the cargo blind still available if so I am interested


  7. Ash84

    Ash84 Noob on the move

    you are second in line.....if the guy dosent confirm tomorrow...its yours...

  8. Ash84

    Ash84 Noob on the move

    SHADES and COVERS SOLD pending payment
  9. Ash84

    Ash84 Noob on the move

    shades and covers sold- payment received :)

    Cargo Cover and illuminated panel remain
  10. CessnaPilot

    CessnaPilot New Member

    sold the screen yet ?? interested
  11. tenchi

    tenchi CraZy aZn bloke

    What exactly is an illuminated pannel o_O *feels stupid*

    PM sent ~
  12. Ash84

    Ash84 Noob on the move

    not yet....the first one to confirm gets it:)
  13. Ash84

    Ash84 Noob on the move

    Everything Sold Pending Payment
  14. CessnaPilot

    CessnaPilot New Member

    how much do you want for it? pretty interested, which model is it
  15. Ash84

    Ash84 Noob on the move

    The price is the same mate...$150

    Tenchi was the first to confirm, if he passes Zena is second in line and then you.


  16. Ash84

    Ash84 Noob on the move

    PAYMENTS RECIEVED.....items posted.....moderators can you please lock the thread....
  17. mic300zx

    mic300zx ZEDLESS

    are there anything left?
    i am in caulfield east which is 1min drive~~
  18. michandy

    michandy Active Member

    Illuminated rear panel

    Is it still up for grabs, if I will take it! pm me and we can arrange payment and such
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