White Smoke

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Mclovin, Jan 11, 2009.

  1. Mclovin

    Mclovin Well-Known Member

    Well had white smoke on the cruise we just had on the Gold Coast but on the way home when turning onto the highway white smoke shot out of the centre console between the two front seats :eek::eek:

    I did take the corner pretty quick tho trying to keep up with 571CKY. :p
  2. Red_Turtle_Z

    Red_Turtle_Z 'Nuf said....

    You have an oil leak....... :rolleyes:
  3. ZEDZY

    ZEDZY Active Member

    Oil dripping onto the exhaust. I had the same problem, its a bit scary at first.
  4. Mclovin

    Mclovin Well-Known Member

    I'm aware of that :p but it doesn't leak when sitting still. Maybe I blew my imaginary turbos. :rolleyes:

    Was that you today with the young blond girl?
  5. heavytrevy

    heavytrevy "Hammer time "

    Yes i saw the fear in his eyes :D
    At first he thought it was an overheat but no...........

    Shouldn't take to much to fix , get it up on a hoist and have a squiz.


  6. Mclovin

    Mclovin Well-Known Member

    Yep it did it again turning onto the highway and shot up into the cabin!! it was like an in car nitrous purge, that part was scary while trying to merge. :D
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2009

    XTREME ZX ZED Xtremist

    check oil pressure when this happens and see if it drops off.
  8. Red_Turtle_Z

    Red_Turtle_Z 'Nuf said....

    Yup, darn no racies on the freeway for you hey lol..... ah well, when shes fixed.... :p
  9. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    Likely to be from auto tranny. Time for a service as perhaps overheating and blowing out over the zorst.

    XTREME ZX ZED Xtremist

    good point....



    FLEMING Dave

    Yeah, When my Auto overheated it smoked white smoke hardcore but that was coming from the back of the engine bay. and the sides.
  12. Mclovin

    Mclovin Well-Known Member

    Yeah that's what it appeared to be doing the first time. I'm just going to sell the car.
  13. Red_Turtle_Z

    Red_Turtle_Z 'Nuf said....

    Why sell her? it sounds fairly easy to fix....
  14. ZedEx

    ZedEx Dr No


    FLEMING Dave

    Can't blame you lol

    I'm probably gonna sell my zed after i get my fuel pump issue fixed and windscreen replaced

    Although the community is great etc.. being now a student and owning TT 300zx's is hard to pull off
  16. Cam

    Cam ****

    If it is the tranny, just check your output shaft seal and upgrade your cooler. I had to run a bead of gasket goo around the seal because the idiots who built it put a gouge in the housing for the seal when they replaced it. That caused fluid to pass the seal and drop on to the exhaust. I didn't get the same prob like I did on the Purlingbrook Cruise. How hard did it smoke then! :eek:
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2009

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