About time I put some money into the zed LOL (pic inside)

Discussion in 'Technical' started by JamesZX, Jun 14, 2007.

  1. JamesZX

    JamesZX POZEST

    haha, so i pulled the zed out of the garage and mum came home and parked behind me...i totally forgot sitting inside the car giving it a clean... started her up to let her run in a bit.... gave her a little rev and since im still running WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY rich.... i thought.. SHIT!.... got out of the car and looked behind me, seen this... LOL LOL


    So I guess i'll be seeing Tom in the next few weeks :) with a couple grand.
  2. Martin

    Martin New Member

    holy shit lol!! mine smells rich but never spits fuel out the exhaust, thats intense
  3. 300zxt

    300zxt Well-Known Member

    Haha that's funny, I've seen that done before. Just a bit of soot, normal if a car hasn't been started for a longish time or you have a mad rich tune...
  4. ed300zx

    ed300zx Active Member

    ahahha....im not laughing at whats happened to your zed but whats happened to your mums car :D my mum would have gone ape sh*t :p do you know the cause...or is that why your taking it to tom?
  5. rollin

    rollin First 9

    Zed 1 Corrola O

    See Zeds do piss all over toyota's :D :D
  6. Z-Force

    Z-Force SHIFT_Charizma

    One side only?

    Is it throwing black soot from only the drivers side?

    If so, the right O2 sensor might be faulty, causing that side to run rich...

    Might pay to do a diagnostic on it just to make sure... :)

  7. JamesZX

    JamesZX POZEST

    Nar zed runs FINE... only thing thats buggered is like... CTS (coolant temp sensor) and a coil pack clip (so it slides off every now and again) .. running rich.. so black smoke and shit out of both exhaust... plus.. no cats. Doing a plenum pull and then get the ECU socketed and tuned properly etc.

    Mum cam out when she heard me laughing... she looked and her car and she did flip... but i told her it would just wipe off.. which id did. I think I should have said that it wouldnt come off... would of been classic.

    and.. more like... James 2, Corrolla 0


    mums flipped that time LOL.. about a year ago
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2007
  8. JamesZX

    JamesZX POZEST

    just wondering... i know it can do alot of damage driving it so RICH... but exactly what damage does it to... what shit gets blocked?... rings get done in? etc etc... and how bad it is it to run like this.. can i even start it up and run it in or what? Im a bit worried now that my amusement has wore off... lol.. i always laugh and bad things before i think hard about what has happened.:D
  9. LOWZX

    LOWZX Banned

    no 1 ,your spark plugs will become oil plugs ,check them,youll be in 4 a shock :eek:
  10. JamesZX

    JamesZX POZEST

    mehh i got new iridiums next to me lol
  11. LOWZX

    LOWZX Banned

    we all got them,youll find they foul up very quickly running that rich,what r they doing next to you,put them in !!!!!!!!!!!! ;) have fun with the back ones :eek: :biggrin:
  12. JamesZX

    JamesZX POZEST

    lol... cost in order to get the balance pipe off id have to take out a locktighted bolt thats screwed into the plenum.. and thats why i need to do a plenum pull and replace my plenum.. yayayayay :mad: gay job...
  13. LOWZX

    LOWZX Banned

    cut it off,balance pipes are over rated anyway lol lol :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: ;)
  14. JamesZX

    JamesZX POZEST

    then id have air pissing out everywere lol... but mehh... ITS COOL ULEH PSHHH who needs BOVs when ya car sounds like its supacharged!! - Hectik
  15. LOWZX

    LOWZX Banned

    why not ,most of the t/t's i see think its the bov's,its actually boost leaks lol :D :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
  16. JamesZX

    JamesZX POZEST

    I hate my car right now.. LOL... but i'll love it tomorrow.... its just im worried about having things go wrong.... should it not be driven?... im asking for advice because its been driven about 800km's since i bought it.. when i bought it , it was running rich... just not this bad lol.. and its getting worse... should i just leave it till im ready to fork out cash?

    ZDUCTIV Active Member

    Fix the CTS. It will make your Z think it's not warmed up and run cold start enrichment.

    Check with multimeter if you are not sure if it's dead.
    2.1 to 2.9 kOhm @ 68Fahrenheit
    0.68 to 1.0 kOhm @ 122F
    0.30 to 0.33 KOhm @ 176F

    Replace it if not in spec.
  18. Cartz

    Cartz New Member


    HAHA, I love it.

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