ID inspection SA-Need Roadworthy

Discussion in 'Technical' started by blacknchrome, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. blacknchrome

    blacknchrome New Member

    As I was expecting, I need a roadworthy. The guy at Sturt Road yesterday was an absolute full blown dick, very unfriendly and uncooperative. Wouldn't even give me a list of stuff that I need to work on (as I was expecting not to pass but get that list to get started on the things I need to do). Just said I need to go to Regency for Roadworthy.When asked to elebaorate about the roadworthy inspection he just finished saying he wouldnt say anything I just need to go there. He looked like the law himself, I knew better of him.My car is now at Adelaide Z cars, very nice and helpfull blokes there.Gona get the Z ready.

    I also got pulled over by cops on the way to Bedford Park- he just checked my unregistered vehicle permit paper and let me go.
  2. Neill

    Neill The wandering Chef

    Too bad mate!

    You get these characters no matter where you go. I work on cruise ships and believe me you have not seen anything until you see a Safety/Security officer who used to be in the UK armed services!

    Your car is in very capable hands with Nick and Barry at Z Cars, that is where I take my car when it feels poorly!

    Cheer up, it does get better - promise!


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