who in this site could ...

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by uncertainaardvark, Feb 2, 2007.

  1. do without a mobile??lol
    I know it seems weird but...Ive NEVER had one and am not interested in having one lol.
    I realise they are a BIG part of peoples lives right now but...
    when im out i dont WANT to be contacted and i sure as hell dot want to keep wondering who COULD have called me(unless i was selling some thing)
    I just think...hey if someone wants to get in touch then im on the phone at home...although for 3 yrs i never even had a home phone!!
    I ll bet young ones on this site are GAWKING at this fact lol...i find it pretty sad.Really sad in fact...feel free to comment how life is better now...by the way im only 30.
  2. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    so what ...???


  3. Congrats! another 2 word answer

    There you go....another post for you!...
    Tell u what...answer back this one with a (mm) or a (he!)
    INSTANTLY two more posts!!!
    Then maybe a follow up with a (hey yeh) or a(snvvzs)
    Thought this was a sect where nON Z related s*** could be written
    what...do I have to take a course in elegant writing or something?
    You got a problem with me buddy?come to perth..or get one of your perth boys to come and see me....Ill happily accomodate you!
    I drink at the fox and hound in armadale every friday.....Ill welcome anyone
    Just hate smart pricks is all....
  4. Newmo

    Newmo Lover of XXXX

    Hahahahahahaha! lol :D

    I haven't had a mobile for a couple months and I'm coping fine. :)
  5. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted


    yeah na i agree aye... when my phone dies i hate it.... i feel so naked without my phone on me aye
  6. beaver

    beaver southern zeds


    I wouldn't be without one! As a matter off fact i have 3x mobiles 2 are for work, 1 for out and about. I can live without them, but they generate income.
  7. NateTune

    NateTune Trader


    I feel empty without my mobile. I would love to have the luxury of not having to carry one with me everywhere but people always need to contact me. Nessicary evil i guess.
  8. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius

    Very mature Baz...

    Glad to see that time has finally got the better of you and the chardonnay has tipped you over the edge.

    Alternatively it could be your OLD AGE that caused the confusion.... SO WHAT! You'll get over it.

    Love your criticism Barry, oh wait... you only know how to throw stones from your lovely glass house.

    I for one would love to be able to do without my mobile phone. I like the idea of people being able to contact me when they NEED me... It seems that it this day and age, the land line home phone is going out the door slowly.

    Not completely but numbers are diminishing...

    I've just recently got another extremely large mobile phone bill... It's my own fault, it's almost like an obsession at times. I just like to be in contact and I enjoy talking. Or in most cases just listening.

    BUT.... If I'm going camping or something similiar I will turn the mobile off completely and forget who might want to be calling me, as I am away on rest and relaxation style. So they can bugger off or Join me on the camping expedition. :p

    Just my 2c....

  9. buzz1986

    buzz1986 Ezekiel 25.17

    so what ur like the Docktor Phil of www.aus300zx.com now :p just kidding

    yea I don't use my fone much but I wouldn?t do with out it. its good 2 have in a pinch for example if I brake down I can call some one like tom to see if he can help me out
  10. ZXxx

    ZXxx Getting Stiggy wid it!

    I have learnt to live without them at times, mainly because I keep kicking them in pools or ignoring bills until I'm barred. I can't imagine life without one though.....

    Need to get my camera phone working again though. So nice the day after a big one when you can double check the pic of the chick you got the number from the night before. haha.
  11. DrongoMan

    DrongoMan Sir

    Aardvark, or should i just call you uncertain? There seems to be a number of "you people" sprouting up puffing up your proverbial chest and proclaiming that you are of a higher order, that you aren't one of these, techno junkies enslaved by "the man", and that lifes better in your pasture.

    Well good on ya, i'm sure you also have a very close knit group of friends, which is also good. But those of us with a diverse network of friends/work contacts i don't think that we could live without being able to instantly contact / be contacted.

    What i hand to your argument is that there is nothing better than every now and then leaving the phone at home and going out.

  12. MagicMike

    MagicMike Moderator Staff Member

    I only have a mobile, home fone not connected/required
  13. Gazza

    Gazza Active Member

    I find my mobile handy but I can definitely survive without it considering half the time Im outside of mobile reception. I actually hate talking on the phone and would rather do things face to face if I can.
  14. Evil Twin

    Evil Twin Time to 'Suit Up'!

    ive had a mobile for over 13 years! - im only 28


    i got one when i was 15..

    personally i hate them!!
  15. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    finding the iced water a bit strong, fate ,,,, ?????

    .... time for you to grow up .. and do not worry about my age .. got this far without having to max out the oldies credit cards through self inflicted, absolute stupidity ... keep the fantasies rolling, lad .. one may just eventuate, one distant day ... lol ..... :D :D :D :D :D :D :p :p :p :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

  16. IBBI

    IBBI Active Member

    Baz dont worry...i think fate is just trying to get back at you from that old post about his trouble with that mechanic of his......funny how things can trail on.........
    i would of responded just as you did baz....so what?
    i dont know what uncertain dude here is trying to get at.....you want a reward or something for not using a phone or just want to wait so you can have a go at someone like you always do.......the latter i think

    btw uncertainaardvark you probably wouldnt need a phone, i couldnt believe you would need a phone from all the friends you have made on here so far
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2007

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