Daily Driver

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by uncertainaardvark, Jan 18, 2007.

  1. SedatZX

    SedatZX Tyranus

    Its not very adrenaline pumping when some moron in a econobox cuts you off.
  2. Shifter

    Shifter Active Member

    Thats when the adrenaline really kicks in!!! :p
  3. NickTT

    NickTT L E X U S

    i almost bought a daily not all that long ago

    1987 diahatsu charade, manual, 4.8 million k's on a 3cyl .7ltr engine! :D

    it died before I got the chance, though
  4. Coopers-SWB

    Coopers-SWB New Member

    Is this what you mean.


    Being a thick POM I have no idea.

    Looks like a big lump of metal.

  5. IBBI

    IBBI Active Member

    Ha.....im used to it as every 2nd car is a ford or holden....i say burn them all....
  6. seaweed

    seaweed Gone Troppo

    That would be an interesting ride on a frosty Canberra morning. Are you serious about having it as the daily drive in July? :eek:
  7. Shifter

    Shifter Active Member

    Crazy to ride in winter

    Not good for the bike and not good for me! The motorbike is not my 'daily' as such. It probably gets used 1/4 of the time and for short trips to the mall etc. I also feel safer having the car spend the day at work here the unattended at home...

  8. thewolfe

    thewolfe New Member

    no no no (shakes head)

    Thats an american ltd or something there.The 1990+ AUSSIE ltd is much more streamlined...Just a long wheelbase version of the ea?b falcon?fairmont.
  9. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    what..... like my 2nd car

    the Millennium FALCON!


    bomb thats always being fixed... driver, always going after his best mates sister and hangs around with a hairy beast... (thats you paul)
  10. bigbaz

    bigbaz New Member

    I cant imagine that driving shifters 400kw beast on icy roads in winter would be too appealing either
  11. ZXxx

    ZXxx Getting Stiggy wid it!

    And I quote:

    stuben_bastard@hotmail.com says:
    to keep up the tradition
    stuben_bastard@hotmail.com says:
    go look at my post in daly driver
    stuben_bastard@hotmail.com says:

    Pay Backs a bitch!!!
  12. ZXxx

    ZXxx Getting Stiggy wid it!

    Oh I know she does, she calls me up and says "that wittle joshy woshy likes acting like such a big boy sometimes.....why just the other day he got his first wittle one and he was so excitable!"
  13. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    now your talking to yourself dude...

    post whore and u still cant break 1800..

    pfft.. stop trying to beat me it wont work..


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