which way do you unscrew the gear knob, anticlockwise?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by mafi-zed, Feb 13, 2006.

  1. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon


    ZDUCTIV Active Member

    I believe so. The stock one is loctited so you will probably need to wrap your knob in a towel (ROFL!!) and put vice grips on it, then get some leverage on it.
  3. Benny_C

    Benny_C About as subtle as...

    correct, definately ANTI-clockwise.
  4. Miksta

    Miksta M Spec


    Although i found mine a real PITA to take off, needed some vice grips as it was stuck on like a mofo!
  5. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon

    yeh my knob is hard as..

    to twist off..
    got it once inch and then it just wouldnt budge
  6. Zedophile

    Zedophile Member

    Definately anticlockwise looking down on the top of the knob. Maybe

    the casing has moved but not the actual nut. Probably loctited on as already stated :angry: . If you want to replace the knob then use a set of stilsons on it direct otherwise wrap a towel around it and use stilsons or the like. Good luck. Don't you just love working on these cars.
  7. Croweater

    Croweater New Member

    Urban Myth ???

    The guys at Unley Nissan told me there is a locking pin they had to lift the console to get at. Dunno if it's trueor not but would explain the probs getting yours off.
  8. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

  9. DBCAR

    DBCAR New Member

    Re: Urban Myth ???

    its a knob just like any other car has.
    why would ours have a locking pin if no other car i know of has one. its just a screw thread.
    just keep at it and don't give up.

    my car came with a crappy after market gear knob that wasn't even secured, so it was easy to take mine off.

    oh, and how did the tail lights go trav??
  10. Zmokin

    Zmokin Agro

    Vice grips of your Knob!!!!

  11. Benny_C

    Benny_C About as subtle as...

    Urban Myth - WTF?? its a gear stick. just un-wind it... :rolleyes:
  12. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon

    i melted the drivers side light patrick :(

    it had a defect in it..
  13. SpaceFrog

    SpaceFrog Member

    How many turns is it?

    I got a dodgy aftermarket knob on mine.

    I took it off recently to get at the panels, while installing the ZID. It's back on now, but I've turned it like a million times and it still isnt tight. I think i must have busted threads or something.

    when I'm bored in traffic I'll usually give it a few more spins
  14. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    YES ....!!!!!!


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