Discussion in 'Technical' started by es_ticardo, Jan 2, 2006.

  1. zed4life (

    zed4life ( Ω vicarious zedder Ω

    Mate, I'll donate a ZID immobiliser if you get her back--->

    I intensly hate hearing these sorts of stories... Let's hope you get her back in one piece like MrZee did...

    Best of luck!:zlove:
  2. Paul-PT300Z

    Paul-PT300Z New Member

    Oh dear

    Sorry to hear cameron..Im in Emu aswell plus one around the corner. I'll be keeping an eye out for you m8 ..Im very surprised seeing as our area is very quiet.... I wont be leaving mine out the front anymore:unsure:
  3. R3D300

    R3D300 New Member

    Does ur car have ALARM??? IMMOBOLISER?
  4. Shifter

    Shifter Active Member

    School Holiday Season

    Must be that time of year when loser punks with too much free time do this sort of thing.

    I hear much more incidents like this whenever its the school holidays :angry:

    Hope you get your car back safe&sound and catch the scum who did this and show him what for!
  5. Zzz (AKA ZzzZzzZzz)

    Zzz (AKA ZzzZzzZzz) New Member

    He had a whole heaps of cars and motor bikes stolen from adfa

    One time we actually caught the bastards and had them arrested, but they were all around 14 so they wouldn't even get into much shit.

    Apparently the "crime bosses" pay these kids to do the dirty work for them so they didn't have to take the risk themselves.:thumbsdown::thumbsdown:

    They never atempted anything as complex as the Z though... Only things like old commadores
  6. tom@pzp


    sorry to hear mate

    let's hope you track her down, and the people who took her from you.... we'll all have to pay them a visit :)

    did you have sufficient security on your zed? and is it insured?

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