Male or Female...

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Noxter69, Jul 22, 2005.

  1. Noxter69

    Noxter69 New Member

    You may not know that many non-living items are actually male or female, for example:

    1) Freezer Bags -- They are Male, because they hold everything in, but you can see right through them.

    2) Copiers -- They are Female, because once turned off, it takes a while to warm them up again. It's an effective reproductive device if the right buttons are pushed, but can wreak havoc if the wrong buttons are pushed.

    3) Tyres -- Male, because they go bald and are often over-inflated.

    4) Hot Air Balloons -- Male, because, to get them to go anywhere, you have to light a fire under them, and of course, there's the hot air part.

    5) Sponges -- female because they're soft, squeezable and retain water.

    6) Web Pages -- Female, because they're always getting hit on.

    7) Trains -- Male, because they use the same old lines to pick up.

    8) Egg Timers -- Female, because over time, the weight shifts to the bottom.

    9) Hammers -- Male, because they haven't changed much over the last 5,000 years, but handy to have around.

    10) The Remote Control -- Female...... Ha! You thought it'd be male. But consider this -- it gives a man pleasure, he'd be lost without it, and while
    he doesn't always know the right buttons to push, he keeps trying.

  2. RedZedMikey

    RedZedMikey RZM should now be DZM

    Good one Noxter ....

    perhaps this is the sort of logic the French originally used?????????
  3. Vincent

    Vincent New Member

    Very good! :thumbsup::LOL:
  4. MexiCandu

    MexiCandu Grumpy of the Grampians

    Great Ngoc - like #10

  5. Brissie Beauty

    Brissie Beauty Silver and Gold

    Haha :LOL:

    Love them! Charming number 8 i must say! lol!
  6. 57ARK

    57ARK New Member

    wat gender is a Z?? : o)
  7. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius

    TT is Female and Na is Male... explanation inside...

    TT is female for the following reasons.

    1) When somethings wrong we have to spend every cent we earn to make it feel better again.

    2) Everyone always asks us how she is.

    3) If you treat her nice she'll put you in the back of your seat;).

    Na is male.

    1) It's a lot cheaper to keep around.

    2)Though perhaps not the quickest it always gets the job done. EVENTUALLY

    3) It doesn't matter how you treat it. It will always offer you sex. (Some Excitement)

    Fate... Preparing the marshmallows for the fire.
  8. flame

    flame New Member

  9. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    Definately FEMALE :LOL:

    Initial expense very high but oh what a ride :p
    As she ages, more accessories will be fitted to enhance looks & performance ~ maintenance costs can be excessive if cosmetic upgrades required :D

    ... she was named Fairlady for a reason! ;)
  10. BlaZeit

    BlaZeit New Member

    Nice one Rob :LOL:
  11. richo

    richo New Member

    Very nice :LOL:
  12. Noxter69

    Noxter69 New Member

    Concept name was "Nissan Fairylad" :p...


    I guess not many blokes would be caught dead seen in one if it was, although the Zed's horn does sound a bit PoOfY...:wacko::D:sick:
  13. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    and fate ... N/A's must be male ..cos they don't explode ( was going to say

    blow up ...!!! but thought that might draw some crabs !!!):D;):rolleyes::wacko::wacko::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
  14. azzurro

    azzurro Boostin Outlaw

    I agree with the luckless hitman

    TT would be a woman, as they need to be respected and treated like queens..very unpredictable, never konw what they are thinkin, need your 110% attention, no expense is unjust, maxo $$ to spend and when on your good side, very very satifying and rewarding. - the boost can really make ya feel..:p..;) if your good to a TT, she will be good to u.. same whith girls - as far as ive learnd in my 20yrs of life :cool:

    NA.. well.. ever strong, relaible, takes all the shit u can give it, got plenty to give you grin when your pissed off about the world.. even tho there are baggers, doesnt mind being the underdog. :| go the NA's too!


    Frank - still searching for the right gurl... TT wise and Lady wise! :LOL:


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