Reversing lights don't work!

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Planet Z, Jul 19, 2005.

  1. Planet Z

    Planet Z Member

    Just noticed that reversing lights don't work. The did 7 months ago when going over the pits. Is there a fuse specifically for the reversing lights cos everything else seems to work okay?:wacko:

    WYKKED <b><font color=red>2 Much Trouble</font></b>

    Most likely the switch......>>

    It is fairly common on manuals so a search should bring up heaps of answers on how to fix it.
  3. Ryno8000

    Ryno8000 New Member

    myn also dont work, but they said they replaced the switch at the last

  4. Mathius

    Mathius New Member

    I've heard this problem can be caused by >

    someone doing work on the gearbox (like changing the clutch) and not taking necessary precautions not to pull on the wires. I've had suggestions say that the wiring is probably damaged from the box being dropped too far.

    I also have this problem, and have had the switch tested and the circuit looked over - about the only thing I haven't done yet is replace the wiring.

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