Instrument Cluster Bulbs

Discussion in 'Technical' started by NoZed(NoMore), Feb 23, 2005.

  1. NoZed(NoMore)

    NoZed(NoMore) New Member

    Anyone know where you can get these? After discovering my cluster bulbs are actully tinted yellow, I got some blue condommmy thingies to change them back to the original colour but because the bulbs are previously tinted they're really dark and kind of green. Jono (XRATED) is also after some of these as some of his are blown and he's having trouble tracking down somewhere to buy them from. Apparently Repco and Autobarn don't have 'em and they're $30 a throw form Nissan!

    Any thoughts? Thanks Guys.


    WYKKED <b><font color=red>2 Much Trouble</font></b>

    Have you tried an electronics store?
  3. NoZed(NoMore)

    NoZed(NoMore) New Member

    Jono's tried Dick Smith.
  4. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    You need to find ....

    Xenon type 194 12v/5w bulbs. They are superbright & come in a variety of colours.
  5. NoZed(NoMore)

    NoZed(NoMore) New Member

    Great, Thanks Rob. Any thoughts

    where I might find them? Can't find any australian sites on the net with them. There's a few in the US, but for 5 bulbs I'd rather get them locally if possible!
  6. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    A few ideas ...

    Ring an auto-electrical wholesaler & find the source of bulbs by SOEI, POLARG or HIPER, all of whom make the type 194 Xenon bulbs.

    I believe late-model Toyota [Celica ?] models use them as standard.

    Otherwise source from the US.
  7. Wildman

    Wildman New Member

    Instrument bulbs

    There are at least three types of really specialised bulbs behind the instruments and switches. The big ones are easy to replace. I bought a packet of bulb-holders (six for $5, as I recall) from Autobarn, and then a set of wedge bulbs to fit them (pretty cheap too). You put the wedge bulbs in the socket and replace the OEM bulbs that are blown, etc. You can even reuse the blue silicone condoms, or buy new ones from Autobarn or Repco.

    The smaller bulbs don't seem to have cheap replacements, and I couldn't get after-market holders for them, so I soldered some of the above wedge bulbs across the socket and covered the socket with electrical tape to keep dust out.

    Behind the switches for the wipers there is a really strange tiny bulb (try $35.00 from Nissan). I soldered used one of the above bulbs for this one too, but it is not a really good fit. You might pick up one of these from a vehicle recycler from a no-longer-roadgoing Z...

    If I ever get back in there I'll install LEDs in place of the incandescent lamps: they'll last longer and run cooler.

  8. zed4life (

    zed4life ( Ω vicarious zedder Ω

    Repco does have em... I actually changed mine the other day-->

    Just take the bulb out of it's plastic housing and take it to repco ... Use the chart on the counter and match the closest one. Cost me $2odd for two... You need five total They will be clear then you put the "condoms" back on...;)
  9. SIM300


    As Andrew said I tried Repco & had no luck...

    I did see the chart on the counter as you mentioned but they seemed to think that they didn't have any small enough :wacko:
    I find that at these sort of places it depends A LOT on the staff :angry:
    I may have some that will fit at work anyway :thumbsup:

  10. zed4life (

    zed4life ( Ω vicarious zedder Ω

    Part Number Narva - 45701bl 12V 5 Watt T 10 MM - straight

    off the Repco shelves at Mt Gravatt...

    2 in pack for about $2.00

    They seem a little brighter than the original ones but if u are replacing all in one hit, doesn't matter

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