Insurance Q: If someone backs into your zed,

Discussion in 'Technical' started by brenton, Jan 4, 2005.

  1. brenton

    brenton Member

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    and they have no insurance, what is the quickest way to get money out of them for repairs!? Damage is definatly less than $1000 worth!

    Does my suncorp chase him, or is it a personal thing!?(not comprehensivly covered.)

    At worst a door replacement @ about 650 + paint.
  2. tezza

    tezza New Member

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    well they do have insurance. they have 3rd party insurance. but i have found that the quickest way is that if you have there details. take it to your insurance company and have them fix it up for you. it is then the your insurance company that will chase the responseable person down and get them to coff up.

    good luck with it.

    personal thing well for piece of mind get it done through insurance so you then dont have to deal with them and it could get icky when money is involved. thats why you coff up the $$ for insurance. and you dont lose any rating cause you are not a fault
  3. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

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    You chase ....

    Or get solicitor to ... could cost more than repairs though :(

    Best to get settlement up front from ute owner. One way is to get a 'ridiculous' quote from smash repairer; confront ute owner with the quote & get, say $500+ in full settlement.
  4. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

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    Will CTP cover it, Terry?
  5. RedZedMikey

    RedZedMikey RZM should now be DZM

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    I don't know if this is any help, but

    if you don't have comprehensive insurance with Suncorp, they probably won't act for you. Your cover would be more for damage you could cause to other car and property owners.

    Is the CTP referred to above for third party property, or third party personal injury? In Vic there is NO compulsory third property insurance - the third party paid with rego is to cover injury claims only. Unfortunately I don't think saying your back pocket has suffered severe financial bruising will count ...

    Unles the Qld CTP does cover property damage, it will probably be up to you to chase the other party, and this is one of the gambles taken when you decide against comprehensive insurance. At least you know who did it, and have someone to chase. Unfotunately I didn't :angry::thumbsdown::angry:.
  6. tezza

    tezza New Member

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    Re: Will CTP cover it, Terry?

    i believe it CTP will cover it. for expample my mum was hit from behind from a guy that had no comprenhesive insurance. and his 3rd part (CTP) is what paid for it.

    From my knowledge CTP coves you for damages to others. and your comprenhesive insurance covers you for your car.

    you can always ring up and ask your insurance company which would be the easiest way. as i said its easier to let the insurance company handle it. less problems for you as they are used to doing all the dirty work. thats why i like AAMI. you just drop the car off. and they take care of it all.

    Sorry think i miss understood. is it you that dosnt have comprensive or him?? if you dont have comprensive call his insurance company and see what needs to happen.
  7. FranZ


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    Have your insurance company handle it.

    I hope you got all his details and filed a Police Report. Make everything airtight so they can't get out of it. Report it to your insurance company. They should do all the money chasing for you.

    3rd party that comes with your license only covers personal injury.

    3rd party insurance covers any vehicle involved and found to be your fault but not your own vehicle.

    You may initially have to pay an excess but you should get that back once everything is sorted (depending on your insurance company).

    Good luck with it.
  8. Red TT

    Red TT New Member

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    Compolsury Third Party and Third Party Property -

    - are two different policies.
  9. brenton

    brenton Member

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    To Follow this up,

    for those of use who search often ;),

    Suncorp insurance offers 'bonus cover' which is standard with there third party property policy.

    Bonus Cover lets you claim up to $5000 in limbo as long as whomever hit you does not have insurance(insurance check takes 24-48hrs).

    Suncorp will then follow up the hit-ter for the hit-ee(me).

    Hopefully my baby will be fixed this week!

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