rack ends

Discussion in 'Technical' started by spock, Nov 7, 2004.

  1. spock

    spock New Member

    Was looking through a report done on my Z 12 months ago and it said the RHR rack ends would need replacing soon. As I about to fit a new set of tyres soon I am going to get this done also.

    Just exactly what are the rear "rack ends"? Should I get both sides done? Are the parts easily obtainable e.g. TTZ or UAS. I guess what I am asking, are they called rack ends or are they called something else. Have done a search but nothing came up.

    Thanks for any help or advice guys.

  2. MICK

    MICK Original ZX Crew

    Just did my front ones ---

    They are also called tie rod ends. Not sure exactly what they are but it is a steering related part.
    I think it is like a bushing that holds the rack to the wheel.
    Get both done.
    I had mine done at Pedders so parts shouldn't be an issue.


    DRIVER New Member

    not quite right........

    Rack ends are the uni joints that connect the steering rack output to the tie rod.......the tie rod end is at the opposite end of the rack end and connects the tie rod to the wheel.

    Rack ends for an NA wont fit a TT as Na arnt 4wheel steer...you need ones from Japan.(I tried to get "powermax" brand from super cheap but they didnt fit) I think they are about $260 each......but maybe try to get some good second hand ones. You can replace them yourself without too much trouble (use the manual or else you'll be there for hours not knowing wy they dont undo !!) and if they are worn it makes a BIG impact on your steering. INdications of worn rear rack ends are things like you car wobbling around excessively on bumpy roads....sort of like squatting down and to the side and makes the car dangerous in the wet due to the fact that if you go through a patch of water it grips the wheel and wrenches it a bit so the car can spntaneously feel like its going to spin, however most just put it down to shit tires.

  4. IB@work

    IB@work New Member

    I replaced a rack end a couple of years ago ....

    I think it cost about $115.

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