I need feedback on my Zed for sale

Discussion in 'Technical' started by jonny, Aug 2, 2004.

  1. jonny

    jonny New Member

    just want to know what everyone thinks of my car for sale. If you havent seen it yet go to carsales.com and do a search in nsw. Its the 1st one on the list going for $23 950.:YD
  2. Blade83

    Blade83 New Member

    The problem is

    That price is quite hefty for a 90 model, saying what Z's are going for today, your Z might have a ton of mods and be in good condition, and well worth the asking price, but you have to try explain to a buyer why they would want to buy yours at that price, when they can pick up an 89 for under $10K, and have a ton left for their own mods :(
    Starting to understand what A death sentence the 15 year rule is? :`(
  3. Miteus

    Miteus New Member

    It might be worth the price

    but you won`t find anymore zed in GC for a good price over $20000
  4. hawkus

    hawkus New Member

    Its in mint condition...

    with a lot of work done, i'd say its worth about that, maybe you won't get quite that much for it, may have to drop it a few thousand, but wait and see might find a buyer.You'd be hard pressed to find one in that sort of condition for much cheaper than about $15,000 i would reckon.
  5. DUB

    DUB BRAMIS Photography

    That FMIC looks strangley familair ;)

    Good luck with the sale, but it's going to be worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it dude, and I know I only got into this game because I was able to buy into it cheaply. Your challenge is to take someone from that point and talk them up. Car salesman do it every day.

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