Clear white light bulbs!!!:x :x :x

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Vincent, May 7, 2004.

  1. Vincent

    Vincent New Member

    I have heard of it many times, but why do those Xenon gas #$%#@& clear white bulbs only last about 2 $#%$(*! weeks compared to the std bulb??!!They cost me about $18 bucks each and this time I've only turned the headlights on about 3 times!I'm $%#$%$% pi$$ed off!Let me know why these bulbs suck please.CheerZ
  2. hawkus

    hawkus New Member

    Have you tried these one's from ebay...

    in australia?They are awesome white, you go by the the Kelvin rating which is the temperature/color of the light.These one's are 5000k (which is the same as the whitest flouro's). Any of the so called white lights from autobahn etc are only about 4250k, which compared to these one's off ebay would have a yellowish tinge.Click here$15 for two... they look awesome, but don't know how long they last for just got them.
  3. Zcar91

    Zcar91 New Member

    If they are made by Autotechnica..>>

    then I have also dropped quite a few into my dustbin as they lasted just a few minutes. Remember during installation you must not touch the glass with your fingers.
  4. Vincent

    Vincent New Member

    Yeah - they're Autotechnica and...

    I cleaned them thoroughly with metho before fitting. Damn I'm nicked-off.Feel like I wasted my time converting my lights to take H3 bulbs.CheerZ
  5. Vincent

    Vincent New Member

    Thought of these guys, but opted for...

    converting my headlights to H3 to (supposedly) save money. Thanks anyway.CheerZ
  6. hawkus

    hawkus New Member

    That's probably your problem...

    I wouldn't clean them with anything, simply just don't touch the bulb at any time whilst installing.Metho cleans well but that is probably what is stuffing them... just hands off totally straight out of the pack.
  7. Vincent

    Vincent New Member

    Thanks - I'll give it a try next time 'round (n/m)

  8. SpaceZ

    SpaceZ New Member

    You can tell whether the lamp failed due to

    touching it.
    If the glass of the dud lamp is white/bubbled/frosted or distorted it's the oil from your fingers, if the filament has simply open circuited then it's just a crap lamp.As far as cleaning the lamps go, cleaning with metho should be fine although I would use a residue free cleaner e.g. contact cleaner. It's the oil residue that causes the problem as it impregnates the glass and heats up dramatically when the lamp is turmed on thus causing the glass to bubble, distort or sometimes explode..
  9. Vincent

    Vincent New Member

    Didn't know that - thanks. I'll check tonite (n/m)

  10. BigCol

    BigCol That's what she said...

    Many of us have been here....

    Do yourself a favour. Go to Autobarn etc and buy good quality Phillips globes for about $55. No issues in the year since then for me (and I went throught 4 sets of the crap Autotechnica globes as 2 - 3 week intervals before I woke up) and the amount of light is actually better too.
  11. Vincent

    Vincent New Member

    Model or part number?? (n/m)

  12. BigCol

    BigCol That's what she said...

    Phillips Opti-Vision Plus.

    I bought the 55w (+30%) globes which from memory are the 1498 lm globes. Next time I might try the 100w ones to see if I can get away with them.
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