Brisbane non formal regular meet ups.

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by mtopxsecret6, Apr 27, 2016.

  1. mtopxsecret6

    mtopxsecret6 Member

    This has had me asking myself for a while now, is there? and if not, why arnt we having regular informal zed meets. I have a zed and want to park/chat enjoy other zeds..

    Not doing this doesn't compute to me?

    When I had my 260z, I oraganised "lounge meets" on the older zed forums. we need to start having casual meets.
  2. RoryZ

    RoryZ Member

    There is quite a large group of Zedders in Brisbane.

    Most of us know each other so when we organise things it's usually via a facebook message or the likes.

    I've organised a few things in my time - Just set up an event in the coming event threads to see if people are keen and also make sure you hit up the Facebook page.

    From there you will get to know some people and the informal events will come :D
  3. MagicMike

    MagicMike Moderator Staff Member

    I got my license back yesterday and zed nearly done. Then I'll organise something
  4. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    But how long will you hold it for ...??? ... lol, ... go Mikey ......

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