fuel pressure drop

Discussion in 'Technical' started by slicktop_beast, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. hey guys i think the problem has been narrowed down to fuel pressure at idle. car runs good as soon as fuel pressure builds but once it drops back towards idle it starts choking a bit. i know what the culprit will be, my question is, is there a way to reach the fuel hose that connects the 2 rails at the front without removing the plenum again? do i have to take the timing covers off to access? cheers :zlove:
  2. Madcow

    Madcow Active Member

    I cant say I have done it, but you could try take off the throttle linkage setup to get to it.

    If you have done all your bypasses and stuff, it doesn't take long to remove the manifold.

    Also i would get a fuel pressure gauge to verify, it would suck if you went to all this effort and found it was something else, like the fuel pump or reg.
  3. i had a big issue doing the plenum pull a month ago where all the wiring was disturbed and i couldnt get spark back until last friday so im not too keen on mucking about with it. its just annoying sitting at lights in an auto on the brakes whilst trying to keep it going at 1100rpm. and im 99% sure its that 4 inches of hose i reused
  4. Madcow

    Madcow Active Member

    Only way hose will give you a pressure drop is if it leaks.
  5. im getting a slight fuel smell sometimes but not under load. the hose was a little worse for wear and i think there could be a kink on the inside from when i pushed it on...
  6. graysonvario

    graysonvario New Member

    Yeah old mate in the red zed that did the plenum pull in front of you did the same thing, although he had a leak. They removed the TB linkage and got to it fine.

  7. ok awesome cheers grayson
  8. Buruso

    Buruso New Member

    When i tried this method: by removing the throttle bodies i found There's a allan key bolt hidden down behind the timing cover around the center of the throttle body, have to grind a divot in the metal plate at the back of the timing cover to access it. it's a good idea to see if all the other allan bolts will loosen first.
  9. no worries bruce thanks for the heads up. im going to have a look over it today and see it i can do it with the minimal tools i have, if not ill take it to karls workshop in a week or 2 or whenever he is free
  10. MWZ32

    MWZ32 New Member

    I had a strong fuel smell on start-up that I tracked down to the hose that connects the 2 fuel rails, I managed to get a screwdriver in there to tighten the clamps without removing anything. I just got a flat bladed screwdriver and pushed the clamps to the right angle so I could tighten them with the Philips head.
    My car was running fine with this leak although there was quite a significant amount of fuel escaping.
  11. yeah ive been getting a faint wiff of fuel on idle but under load nothing. i just gotta squeeze in there enough to slice the old hose off and connect a new piece. this is where i wish i had little asian hands
  12. MWZ32

    MWZ32 New Member

    Is it split? mine was only loose and just needed the clamps tightening as the fuel was pouring out at the join. getting a new hose in there without pulling the plenum will be a major pita.
  13. nah not split buddy it seemed to be the fuel filter and lines coming to and from the filter, all good all sorted now and idles

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