Conzult Software

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Mickr33, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. Mickr33

    Mickr33 New Member

    Hey i was wondering if anyone has a copy of the Conzult SX program, it is actually discontinued now so they don't actually sell it on there website anymore, i have a copy of the Conzult Z32 software that i got by mistake cos i didnt realize i needed the Conzult SX cos i have a Skyline and when i got the software the description was just Conzult and it was only when i went to install it and it came up "Conzult Z32" that i realized so i wonder if anyone here has the SX version of it.
    If you have the Conzult SX please PM me or email me at

    QLDZDR ID=David

    Just wondering how much you paid for that Consult Z32 software? buying it that way.

  3. Mickr33

    Mickr33 New Member

    I paid $50 for it secondhand and it was just the software on its own no cable, i had my own cable so it got it even tho i didnt know if my cable was compatible with it, it didnt matter in the end cos when i went to install it i realized its not for my car anyways. I want the SX version
  4. brisz

    brisz Well-Known Member

    Nissan Data Scan I supports Skyline (see the supported vehicle list), it doesn't have AT and AC diags like ConZult, but that's not such a big deal and its actively being developed.

    You download a demo version to test if it works and buy it for $50 odd.

    QLDZDR ID=David

    If they could just go one more step and make the Android version for Z32. :D
  6. Mickr33

    Mickr33 New Member

    yes that would be good, and also a copy of the EcuXtend provram for picketpc would be good but it seems to have dissapeared from the face of the earth and i carnt even find it for sale or find someone that has a copy of it
  7. Mickr33

    Mickr33 New Member

    And yes i already have a registered version of Nissan Datascan but i would like to have ConzultSX as well, and now that has been discontinued and they dont sell that one anymore it is also hard to find anyone who has a copy of that one as well. Damn it the 2 programs that i want i carnt get, someone must have a copy of these
  8. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    Kind of surprised anyone still has a pocket pc...
  9. Mickr33

    Mickr33 New Member

    yeah i blew the cobwebs off the pocketpc so i could use ecutalk, and then i read about ecuxtend and now i really want that program but i carnt get it anywhere, my best bet would be if someone still has a copy of it since its not for sale anywhere anymore, and the same goes for Conzult SX, someone must have a copy of these programs

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