Bare Consult connector

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Audiobuzz, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. Audiobuzz

    Audiobuzz The Ghost Of AB

    Anyone know where I can buy bare consult connectors from? I'm not talking about a complete cable, just the connector and unterminated pins.

  2. Dangerous

    Dangerous Member

    Make that two if you find some. The original ConZult ones were cut up door plugs from memory - Crap quality, and buggers to fit properly!

    I think I still have some terminated pins with leads left over if you need some.
  3. Tektrader

    Tektrader Z32 Hoe, service me baby

    I have a shell and pins in a plastic bag around here somewhere. Had it for years, cant remember where I got it from.

    Issue is finding it for you. :eek:
  4. Audiobuzz

    Audiobuzz The Ghost Of AB

    Appreciate the offer but more looking for somewhere that sells them in bulk

  5. Dodgey

    Dodgey Member

  6. Audiobuzz

    Audiobuzz The Ghost Of AB

    The consult connector isn't OBD2 as far as I know. Also sparkfun is in boulder Colorado, not oz ;-) have bought more stuff from them than is safe to admit to the missus :p

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