R.I.P My Zed "Brenda"

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by wirafals, Oct 13, 2011.

  1. Slithz

    Slithz Member

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    The guy will probably end up being thrown in jail... I love this country, but damn I hate some of its laws. Self defense and the protection of property and livelihood mean nothing here any more.

    The poor precious little darling climbing through your living room window with a pocketful of used syringes and a rusty crowbar in hand is just misunderstood. If you just give him a hug and some free counselling he'll turn into an upstanding citizen. But God help you if he slips on one of your children's toys and injures himself you negligent monster, because that precious little darling and the system that caters to him will try and take you for every last cent.

    I say bring back public hangings, damnit. Messing with a zed should result in being dragged by the leg by one down a really rough gravel road.
  2. Sintrix

    Sintrix New Member

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    When we find him, where do we want the next 'tech day' to be?
    I'll bring the jumper cables, and we all have batteries [TIS]
  3. dannY_trev

    dannY_trev Member

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    mate there is nothing worse than having these type of wankers go through your belongings. I had all my tools stolen from my garage but they didn't make it inside my house.

    still makes me nervous coming home late or staying away from home for any period in time. and the cops.. well they're f**king useless yet if you catch them heaven forbid you should injure them physically or mentally!
  4. discus177

    discus177 New Member

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    If you need any parts for the return of Brenda, I've got a few smaller parts here I can post over :).

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