300zx LED light conversions kits

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by zedwizz, Aug 29, 2011.

  1. CARZ

    CARZ Member

    I think it's pretty obvious that a lot of effort has gone into developing these products & having them professionally produced. And it looks to me that zedwizz has only offered his high quality products to us because he's noticed a fair bit of interest in LED upgrades posted on the forum recently.

    Having anything manufactured in relatively low volumes is expensive... no two ways about it. I think people like zedwizz should be encouraged and supported - if it weren't for guys like these guys, products and upgrades like these would simply not be on offer at all. I also think he deserves to offer his products to us at a price he determines makes it worth his while without being shotdown. After all, he's certainly still offering people a more affordable option to upgrading to LED lights than purchasing from competitors like 'clearcorners'.

    If someone can come-up with a better product for significantly reduced sale price - by all means - go ahead and do it - I'll try and be the very first person to congratulate you! But in the meantime, zedwizz shouldn't get shotdown with casual claims that he's charging tripple what he should...

    Best of luck to you zedwizz - I for one can see the value in your efforts.
  2. zedwizz

    zedwizz New Member

    Im a bit surprised at the comments I?ve read this morning on my thread but there you go.

    If someone can make these to the same standard and cheaper then I wish them all the best. If this thread has motivated someone on this forum to have a go and save its members money then Im all for it.


  3. BrEnNo1023

    BrEnNo1023 New Member


    Hmm this thread's looking pretty quiet. Is it still alive? How would these lights be installed, exactly? I'm looking at just the LED reverse lights at the moment because frankly the current bulbs just aren't doing it fo me, just not safe enough. i dislike having to stick half my body out the window to see where i'm going; hoping the LEDs will light up the driveway a bit more effectively (short of lighting the place up like a stadium) :p

    How would one go about installing the reverse lights? Does it involve taking the centre panel apart completely and gluing the LED boards in place, or are these small enough to simply twist and lock in exactly like the OEM bulbs--easy as that?

    Also, would this be the same story with the fog light kit? Simply twist and lock into place?


    P.S. oh and don't let the harsh words bring you down mate, looks like you've got some good potential customers here 0.o in fact, a group buy discount sounds ideal for anyone here concerned about price..
  4. BrEnNo1023

    BrEnNo1023 New Member

    oh i see, products and instructions on your website ^.^
  5. zedwizz

    zedwizz New Member

    all instructions for fitting on my website chap.
  6. zedwizz

    zedwizz New Member

    happy new year to all in OZ

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