Are zeds actually invisible?

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by ZxLife, May 28, 2010.

  1. ZxLife

    ZxLife Good things come in pairs

    Did Nissan come up with brilliant stealth technology back in 1989? The zed got hit on the back right last week, luckily he was a detailer by living and i let him do it himself, a fantastic job too. Giving me a whole car detail as an apology. Great guy! :eek:

    Eight days later on the exact spot, a woman changes lanes at the lights and hits the back of my car, "Sorry didn't see you there" How!? Is it wrong to expect people to at least look where they are going? She's now decided it wasn't her fault and thinks we should just fix our own cars up. Not happening, when you don't give way and hit someone that's almost stationary, it is your fault! And you should restore their car to the mint condition that it was in before hand!

    Funny thing is, the back of the car got done two months ago as part of rust removal, so this was perfect before hand. :bash:

    Thanks for listening guys, anyone else have recurring hits on one area?
  2. r33k

    r33k 'I reek of Englishness'

    I drive with my lights on day and night to minimise this happening.
  3. Wizard

    Wizard Kerb side Prophet

    Used to think

    Mine has been hit three times, twice when its been parked and once when a truck ran up my arse, sorry didn't see you.:mad:

  4. whoppersandwich

    whoppersandwich Le Canon De Douche



    ZDUCTIV Active Member

    No, they're not invisible. People are just selfish ****** who only concern themselves with concentrating when they're applying their makeup or changing the hektic tunes on the stezza.
  6. whoppersandwich

    whoppersandwich Le Canon De Douche

    stories like this keep coming up hey - kinda gay. Makes me feel lucky that I don't need my zeds as daily drives or I'd probably have the same problem. Hopefully you get her insurance to pay up... thats a dog act deciding its not her fault.
  7. zx299

    zx299 Well-Known Member

    Try riding a bike & see how many dickheads.....

    DIDN'T SEE YOU :eek:
  8. ichizora

    ichizora Loud

    we're a bit low I think? I got rammed up the arse by an old lady in a land cruiser just as I'd finished parking and was about to get out of the car. Luckily it just mangled my number plate which I hammered right back up.
  9. mungyz

    mungyz Well-Known Member

    Had Aztek red zed nearly two years, hit in passenger side really hard by a woman driver, zed repaired but not the same.

    Replaced it with Silver tt hard top. Had that for about three weeks, hit in passenger front left by woman driver :bash:

    Repaired it myself & painted the car Mazda (I'm sorry) Sunburst yellow, happy motoring for about five or six years after that :D

    Now Zed is Bayside blue - I don't drive it often & have lights on all the time & stress all the time with all the close calls :(

    My D21 Navara Kingcab was a silver/green colour, had so many close calls & two crashes within a few mths, now painted a bright copper/orange colour - heaps better :)

    People really do drive around with their eyes half closed :bash:
  10. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    beauty is in a crash like that.. you can slam on your brakes with the intent for the person behind you to hit you and its still their fault lol
  11. ZxLife

    ZxLife Good things come in pairs

    Same ;)
  12. ZxLife

    ZxLife Good things come in pairs

    Yep you can have that one
  13. Kanzen

    Kanzen MUDA DA!

    Pretty much it mate, its never you, its always someone else.

    Cops seem to see the ZXs clearly though :(

    Haven't had any prangs so far with DEVIL, a few near misses but no serious bumps, more...cough user error then anything else :D

    Its always bunkier cars which cause more drama for me...was driving my Mazda 929L (Google it, its a tank) probably a good 2 months ago now, turning from Carrington St onto Lefroy down near Beaconsfield and as I was turning right, green was go for turning right, I was turning and then BANG, smashed into my rear left quarter, the front left of her car got all kind of ugly - mine? not a scratch.

    Cops rock up, shes blaming me saying I drove through the red light, how I didnt indicate and how I was "a stupid head", there were a few witness' around and said she was full of shit. I laughed and went on my merry way, after all, no damage to my car, what can I really complain about?

    The wet weather doesnt help "drive to suit conditions" pfft yeah right.
  14. Zeb

    Zeb start young

    you love 'slamming' on those brakes so people can take you from behind dont you Josh!!
  15. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    lol... well played zed.
  16. Kieren

    Kieren Active Member

    +1! It's crazy. I'm lucky my Zed is orange, maybe I should paint the bike the same colour....
  17. Isola

    Isola New Member

    Not quite true. If they can prove you did it deliberately you'll be the one held liable. You're much better off down shifting and using the handbrake gently so you don't cause any skids marks. That way it looks like they just ran up your ass because they were moving faster than you :thumbup:
  18. 300ZXC


  19. r33k

    r33k 'I reek of Englishness'

    Just after I typed this, I went round a big roundabout in Beenleigh near my place [WITH MY LIGHTS ON] and a motor bike didn't see me, pulled out. I fully locked up,ABS on, almost T-boned him, he shat himself and nearly fell off his bike.

    I hate Murphy's law.
  20. Zxryan

    Zxryan New Member

    yeah its rarely the bikers faul or the entusiast fault(unless thier trying something a bit silly) but on my bike i was going round a right hand corner up a hill and a white ute came down the hill, leaving me with bout 1m left, so i had to stand the bike up straight into the corner, then slam it back down after he'd gone past,sadly the bike did snakys and walked up the road for bout 50 meters, got it down to bout 40 then lost it into the gutter(country road thou, no concrete). found out since then that that same ute has road other people off the road doing the same thing and even killed a young p plater girl, now he is getting charged for manslaughter i think, and i beleive he should spend at least 15 to 25 years in jail.

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