Stupid steering and bellcranks :( story

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by VeeP (Zteriods), Jan 2, 2004.

  1. VeeP  (Zteriods)

    VeeP (Zteriods) New Member

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    One day i decided the steering on my prehistoric van was a bit loose and decided to fix the issue. When i finally found the time (early this week), I began analysing the problem. It seems that the bellcrank on the completely mechanical steering system was often the most suspect piece of equipment (since it easily wears out and causes looseness) on these horrid automobiles in relation to turning. And the story begins.

    I wake up, 11am - time to get to the van. I pull out my tools, and crawl under the front of the 250mm ride height beast. As i identify the bellcrank and the y-piece connecting the steering arms, i notice that the bellcrank shaft is wobbly - problem found. A quick trip down to Repco saw me purchase a bellcrank rebuild kit for $17.85. Bacl home a mere 10minutes later, i start unboltihng the y-piece and bellcrank. Under all the grime and grease there WERE 2 castlenated nuts with pins and 4 semi-threaded bolts. I begin unscrewing, 21yrs of neglect have caused these bolts to be ***WELL*** attached to the chassis and bellcrank. It took all my strength to unscrew each one, with very little room to work with as the steering rods and anti-roll bar (yes, its got one!) were getting in the way - as was the clutch lever and the handbrake cables. However, in order to pull the y-piece off the bellcrank, one must use a gear puller! Another trip down to repco saw my walllet become $29.50 thinner as i purchased a run-of-the-mill gear puller. Eventually, all but one screw was out. As the finally screw dropped, and the gearpuller did its pushing, so did the Y-piece. My head was located directly underneath the falling piece of rust. 3.6kg of iron fell 20cm onto my head (sparing my ugly face), causing two small cuts and some grazes all inside my hair line. I pulled the bellcrank from the chassis, took it into the garage and cleaned it, eventually revealing a black . . .uhhh bellcrank. I pulled the sucker apart, grease all over me. I installed the new bushes, gasket and seal as found in the bellcrank rebuild kit. The rebuild process took 1 long hour. I put it all back together again. I found new ways of linking certain words in the english dictionary during that one hour - god would not have been impressed.

    Back out to the van and i start bolting it all up together. Another long hour (and a fatter neck) and the steering was reassembled. I wiped my hands down, opened the drivers door and grabbed the steering wheel ("no free play now" i thought), a quick turn of the well indicated almost as much looseness as before! WTF?!?!?!?!

    I rebuilt the bellcrank and replaced some of the bushes on the steering assembly, and its still loose :x arrgghhhH!!!!! :x

    Someone help!!!
  2. chamelion

    chamelion New Member

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    problem 1, van.

    i am the most useless person to respond, as i have no idea how a steering system works.

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