Heater leak...>>

Discussion in 'Technical' started by GT, May 2, 2005.

  1. GT

    GT New Member

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    ...By the now noticable smell of coolant in my car, I think the heater has a small leak.

    Now before anybody rushes in to tell me how to remove the heater, what I want to know, has anybody just removed enough parts to get to the in/out hoses, to tighten the bolts holding the in/out pipes to the core, as I am sure the problem is merely the sealing 'O' rings have shrunk slightly, and the bolts just need nipping up.

    I have just finished building a new 10meter by 10 meter workshop, and am in the process of shifting my gear into it, but I really don't feel like removing the dash,to repair the heater, as the first job in it.

    Regards GT
  2. JEDI-77

    JEDI-77 Jedi Master

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    I have taken my heatercore out at home and while doing the job, I decided it was an impossibility to get to the pipes without taking the dash out. Its a bit more possible in an auto, but even then its a real big big big pain in the arse... there is a tech article floating around somewhere about a heatercore replacement without taking the dash off, but it really only applies to auto's. If you do manage to do it, thumbs up to you..:)

  3. BlueZ

    BlueZ Oldie but a goodie

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    Check the Tech

    Eevn with a manual, you can access the pipes. There's a couple of covers to remove and a few springs, but otherwise not too hard. I recommend removing the driver's seat but if you don't, at least take the tops off so your feet can go out the roof.;):LOL:
    If you've got a manual, it will be a lot tighter and you won't be able to get the core out without removing the clutch pedal, not simple I'm told. If it's an AT, the hradest part is getting in through the firewall to remove the bloody screw in the front of the air box that holds the pipes.:(:thumbsdown:
    Anyway, check the tech for more information.
    See Ya,
  4. IB

    IB ?????

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    Clutch pedal is easy to get out ...>>

    Then it's the same as doing an auto. A pain in the arse getting the screw out that holds the pipes to the box.

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