Custom Built Door Pods - 300zx Specific

Discussion in 'Car Parts for Sale or Wanted' started by peter, Dec 12, 2007.

  1. peter

    peter "Mostly harmless"

    Hey guys,

    I've had a bit of spare time on my hands and have two sets of door pods that need to be trimmed (any colour that you want within reason).

    These will suit up to a 6.5" speaker; fixing is best using four screws.

    Special, only for Christmas price $100 - I normally sell these for $140, but I'm feeling generous this Christmas.

    5 pairs of these have been sold via aus300 without complaint, so you can rest assured they won't fall apart on you :)

    I don't have constant access to the net at the moment, so if you have any questions, SMS me on 0423487790.

    Below are pictures of my first set.


  2. badxtc

    badxtc kirby's bitch

    im in
  3. ryanlok15

    ryanlok15 red zedder

    are you able to make a dual pod also this pod will be ok for 6" right?
  4. Raheen

    Raheen Active Member

    Put me down for the second set..

    I call dips on the second set.... been waiting for these to come up again for a while now...:zlove: :zlove:
  5. peterjoh

    peterjoh New Member


    Sorry, what do you mean by dual? As in to house a set of splits?

    And yes, I can do these in a 6".
  6. ryanlok15

    ryanlok15 red zedder

    like two 6" speakers in the pod
  7. ZedEx

    ZedEx Dr No

    i'd say that'd require alterations to the rest of the door. Why do you want to put two next to each other?
  8. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    Im in for a set of 6.5" but can you not cover them? does it make it any cheaper if its just FG? tehehe?
  9. ryanlok15

    ryanlok15 red zedder

    the reason why i want 2 in the doors is atm i have mtx comp speakers that are installed in the rear of the car but i think that if i put up infront like my mate has done with his focals it will sound great:D
  10. ryanlok15

    ryanlok15 red zedder

    sorry also how do you mount the pods to the doors????
  11. ZEDZY

    ZEDZY Active Member

    Whats the biggest speaker you can mount?

    I have a set that are 7"outside diameter i want to put in, will these fit?
  12. nemz

    nemz nemz cam: active

    in my opinion, the design is a bit silly, no point having that pod at all, as a 6.5" will fit under the trim nice and neatly, the only way these pods would have any real advantage is if you angled them to face the cabin more rathen then peoples feet as they already do :), just my 2 cents
  13. Swifty Devil

    Swifty Devil Member

    it mates fitting hassle free, plus you can add alot more cushioning for far better sound reproduction; didnt think of that one did you :p
  14. updtd garage! chek it out

    im interested...but id like to see a pic of hte inside and also maybe some close up pics of there screws just hanging out or what????


  15. nemz

    nemz nemz cam: active

    dynamatt goes in easy enough and adds all the cushioning you need! i like them dont get me wrong, i just thing it would sound better for the driver if the speakers angled up, or even better make a pod that fits to the upper part of the door
  16. ryanlok15

    ryanlok15 red zedder

    yeah but hen some sperakers have huge magnets like mine and makes ut near impossible to install without cutting n grinding
  17. RENZED

    RENZED Girl in the black beast

    I am also interested...just wondering how you mount these to the door :confused:..

    Really need a set..since the previous owner just hacked into the door to fit my old speakers a current replacement..but these would look nice :)
  18. ZedEx

    ZedEx Dr No

    pretty sure you'd bolt them in from behind (haven't made speaker pods for my doors yet but one would normally start with a wooden skeleton).

    they look quite nicely made and goodluck with the sales mate.
  19. loud'n'proud

    loud'n'proud Challenge Accepted

    im getting me a set uncovered to paint to match my greeeeeeeeeeeen i think it will be cool..
  20. ryanlok15

    ryanlok15 red zedder

    no way gona get mine covered in black blend it in a lil better:D

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