who are the old timers

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by bigmax, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. tassuperkart

    tassuperkart Its a lie I tell you!


  2. Josh Cool

    Josh Cool Member

    U know u can change that in your profile? :rolleyes:
  3. zeded

    zeded New Member

  4. Josh Cool

    Josh Cool Member

    Edit your details in User Cp up the top left corner
  5. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    Jesus!!:eek: That makes Barry ancient(118 yr.old).:p:zlove: I hit the scales at 72 in about 10 days.:cool:
  6. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    About time for you to show some respect for your Elders, you senile old fart.:p:rofl::zlove:
  7. The Deacon

    The Deacon The Deacon

    I'm in this bracket with only a year or so before I get my Gold Card!
    Those whipper snappers wouldn't know what that means.

    Maybe that's why I feel sometimes I have more Gray hair than Gray matter.
  8. Martin Williams

    Martin Williams Well-Known Member

    Is someone looking to sell funeral insurance at a cut price to the forum? I guess thats why us older members live in Qld and the State Government sponsors my racing. Its great to see there is someone (Chili) on the forum thats a touch older than me.
  9. scottyoz1962

    scottyoz1962 Active Member

    I'm turning 52 in December , but hopping behind the wheel of the Z Vert i feel 25 :p :D :br:
  10. TrevZed

    TrevZed Member

    57 in a couple of months and finally realising that I'm never going to own a 458 Italia.
  11. Red-Z

    Red-Z Red-Z

    I'll be 70 next birthday and I recently got warned by the man with red and blue lights on his car for being a hoon! All I did was accelerate hard from the lights, no spinning tyres, no squeal, no smoke and he called me a hoon. Didn't press it though, I guess he figured he wouldn't be believed when an O.F. turned up in court. Must admit it's getting harder to get out of the Z these days. Anyone come up with a portable crane?
  12. Bob Lloyd-Jones

    Bob Lloyd-Jones Oldreverbob

    :zlove:I am just under 74 years old and still driving my old twin turbo around. If want to know about my drive look up my garage page.:br:
  13. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    Silly Old Fart, you should wake up to yourself and get a Walking Frame. Leave the fast cars to us young blokes.:p:zlove::br:
  14. bigmax

    bigmax Member

    zx and zimmer frame

    looks like i am still young at 65. At least i feel that way ,now i know there are older zed owners on here.Looks like zed and zimmer goes good together:D
  15. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    It certainly provides great entertainment on the Drag Strip.:br::eek::rofl:
  16. Bob Lloyd-Jones

    Bob Lloyd-Jones Oldreverbob

    The point was who is the oldest ZX owner drivers on the post,:confused: not turbo walking frames. As Chilli quoted on this post [:(About time for you to show some respect for your elders, you senile old fart ] :DWisdom does comes with age , farts comes from chilli & beans and the greatest front engine rear wheel drivers came from my time.:) This OLD FARTS CHARTER;) is to keep the young drivers on the safe & narrow. "Quote":br: young drivers can be the most skilled also are the most killed.:zlove:
  17. tassuperkart

    tassuperkart Its a lie I tell you!

    I know its not exactly Z32 but my mum and dad are in their late 80's now.
    Old girl drives around a manual Ford Laser and dad still enjoys his fanging around in his VW Golf GTi Turbo. Manual again mind you. Cant keep these old rev-heads down!!!

    You old(er) timers have plenty left in you yet if my oldies are any example!!!!!

  18. bigmax

    bigmax Member

    great to hear

    Good to hear there still loving life. When you cant drive anymore you loose part of your independence.
  19. treble1999

    treble1999 New Member

    old timers

    Ill be turning 58 December,but a junior ha ha.
  20. Bob Lloyd-Jones

    Bob Lloyd-Jones Oldreverbob

    :)Your dad respects a good drivers car should give him lots of enjoyment before his time is up. Pity he could not qualify for the oldest 300ZX owner on the post.

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