Pick a colour, any colour

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Anti, May 31, 2012.


any colour so long as it's _____

  1. Gunmetal Grey

  2. Black

  3. Arctic White

  4. Emerald Green

  5. Millenium Jade

  1. Anti

    Anti 14.7 x 14.7 = 44.1

    I've picked my colour, but I'm just curious as to what the crowd favourite would be from the ones I considered. Criticisms, complaints, fire away!

    Emerald green:


    Millenium jade:


  2. ABZ300

    ABZ300 G

    Pink :p

  3. ryzan

    ryzan Moderator Staff Member

    Can't believe this but I actually voted for gunmetal. I think I may be getting sick.

    Milennium Jade's an interesting colour, probably looks better in real life. But there's just something about an r34 that screams it should be Bayside Blue.
  4. nemz

    nemz nemz cam: active

    matte black



  5. gmbrezzo

    gmbrezzo Moderator

    I waz gunna say that :(
  6. bRACKET

    bRACKET Do Right Dean

    You're missing the most important colour ;)

  7. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    Poofter purple?

  8. bRACKET

    bRACKET Do Right Dean

    Precisely! I know you love it ;)
  9. frysie

    frysie FRYTECH

    I like this colour:

  10. aazn

    aazn New Member

    i was going to say midnight purple.. but whatever floats your boat..

    my one is going the mazda white..
  11. Romonski

    Romonski And Justice For All

    arctic white ftw, millenium jade ftl. Jade looks like shit
  12. AndyMac

    AndyMac Better than you

    At the end of the day it's going to be what you think looks good.

    I think the Jade will not suit the zed, and that green likewise.

    I would go for the deepest, wetest black you can find. With a black pearl.
  13. lidz

    lidz Well-Known Member

    couple other examples of millenium jade on other cars



  14. Mikey5555

    Mikey5555 Grid Runner

    To pull off millennium jade you would need to have bronze wheels

    Stick with gunmetal, it's what you've wanted all along
  15. kakaboy

    kakaboy New Member

    With white polka dots :p
  16. Moo

    Moo Shocking...

    Millenium Jade with matte bronze wheels, and matte bronze lips... *jizz*
  17. ABZ300

    ABZ300 G

    I got some "better" colours...


    Best colour ever!!!

    :p :p :p

  18. mholt

    mholt Member

    I had light yellow with pearl in the paint got plenty of looks like those girls get above
  19. frysie

    frysie FRYTECH


    we need a tag or some warning at least....
  20. Jamie

    Jamie Jamie The Hobbit

    I see a nipple there!

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