Zed models

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by bigbaz, Nov 28, 2008.

  1. bigbaz

    bigbaz New Member

    Toys R us at chatswood has a heap of toy zeds, everyone has seen them

    They have them in silver and black

    Not like the ones with a heap of stickers and the two tone paint, these are plain stock colours
  2. ugame

    ugame user #1

    lol ive got one but took me AGES to find at the time GGGRRRRR

    i eventually had to go interstate mail order hahahaha

    mines gun metal :cool:

    Even though they're not covered in stickers, the details aren't quite right. The body shape is a tad off, and the wheels are just laughable....but meh... close enough

    I also got one for a mate, in black, but in kit form (but makes the same model)

    Oddly enough, the kits DONT have an engine......and cost more

    cost MORE...and you build it YOURSELF.....and has no engine... but its EXACTLY the same, brand and all.

    go figure
  3. willphiz

    willphiz #1 Member

    i bought one of these when i was in england (from tesco UGAME, get hunting) back in Sept, cost me 8 Pound, only had that one in that picture tho, ive never had it out of the box, my lil cuz bought one and took it out of the box, they appear cheaply made but look good when kept in box
  4. ugame

    ugame user #1

    id disagree on the cheeply made bit. They are full diacast (metal) and pretty solid

    mines out of the box, along side a 240zx :D (to commemerate my 180sx of course.....hmm...really must paint it black)
  5. mantastic001

    mantastic001 New Member

    I got a nice one when I was in Japan. I'll post up pics when I get a chance. It's red. (I wanted gunmetal to match mine, but they didn't have it in stock...) :rolleyes: oh well
  6. stanny28

    stanny28 Member

    Yeah i have two. Actually i bought one about 2 years ago and gave it to my dad. A black one. I should have bought 2 then and was kicking myself until last week when i happened to grab a silver one from Toys R Us.

    I stripped it and painted it to match my car and painted the interior in tan (just like my seats). I will post up some pics but i got it fairly close in colour and my kit is similar to the model.

    Not 100% happy with the way it came out, but its pretty damn good.

    XCHOOKX New Member

    I have 99% Full Set

    I have the full set...just missing one the red with gold wheels...all under glass...
    I'll post a pic

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